Chapter 2

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@kamdolxn and I are collaborating on this series which we each write parts of the series from our main characters POV. Hers will feature Grayson and mine will feature Ethan.
To fully understand the storyline it's best to start with @kamdolxn. And then alternate each part.
Hers is called Daphne Blue and it's on my reading list for easy access.


Never in a million years did I think I was going to be face to face with those famous YouTube twins.
When I saw them get out of their car I was in total shock. I didn't know much about who they were but I had seen them in a couple of videos from a Youtuber I watched.
I felt myself getting real Nervous when they offered their help.
After we got through the introductions
The muscular one named Grayson offered to fix my tire and of course I said yes. It was either that or wait for a tow truck and I just wanted to get home. Ethan, watched Grayson closely, critiquing every move Grayson made. It was so funny watching them bicker. I wanted to laugh but I didn't want to be rude, they were nice enough to even stop and help.
After he finished fixing the tire we went back in the car and were on our way with the guys following behind us in case something happened.
We weren't even one minute in when the tire blew again.
"This can't be happening!" I mumbled annoyingly
Korie and I got out of the car and saw the tire in worse shape than the last one.
"Well shit" Korie said as soon as she saw it.
"I didn't know a tire could do that" I added trying to keep my calm and not freak the fuck out.
The guys got out of the car to go check why we had stopped
"What's wrong with the— holy fuck" Grayson said as he got closer and saw the tire that he had just "fixed"
For some reason instead of feeling mad we just started laughing.
Specially seeing Graysons face, his cheeks had turned a deep red and I could see how embarrassed he actually felt.
"Fuck!" Ethan said behind him "I told you! You didn't know how to fix a tire" he gave Grayson a small shove but Grayson didn't even react he just looked at me apologetically.
"I'm so sorry! I swear I'll pay for it to get fixed" he said to me grabbing his phone "I'll call a tow truck to get it to the nearest mechanic"
"It's okay, don't worry about it"
"No, I insist" he dialed a number and wandered off to the other side of the car.
"I'm sorry my brother is an idiot" Ethan said shaking his head "this one is on him"
"It's okay, really I should've checked the tires before leaving. I was just so excited to show this one around, it's her first time in L.A" I said pointing at a dazed Korie, whose attention was on a certain guy on the other side of the car.
"What? Did you say something?" She said quickly coming to the realization that we were both watching her drool over Grayson.
"June was just telling me that you're not from Los Angeles"
"Who's not from Los Angeles?" Grayson interrupted coming back from his phone call
"That would be me" Korie raised her hand shyly.
I elbowed her and mumbled "you don't have to raise your hand this isn't school, and wipe the drool of your face"
"Shut up" she mumbled back her face red of embarrassment
"Anyway what happened with the car situation?" 
"Well, there's good news and bad news"
"Okay..." I said hesitantly
"The good news is the tow truck is on it's way, the bad news is that there's no auto shops open, so you're going to have to wait until tomorrow to get it fixed"
"Oh, that's okay" I lied starting to panic a little, what was I supposed to do without my car? The look on my face must've betrayed me because Ethan got closer to me and asked "are you okay? You seem a little flushed"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just worried I guess. Im a worrier" I laughed trying to make light of the situation
"Don't worry, we will give you a ride back home" Grayson added
"Thank you" I said before walking off to see the tire again.
I was trying to keep myself busy by just being on my phone, I didn't want them to see me stressed out. Korie was in her own world talking to Grayson and Ethan, but I couldn't even focus on having a conversation.
It wasn't long till the tow truck showed up, I gave them my information and then I watched them take my car, I just stood there and waved goodbye.
"So where to?" Grayson said opening up the door for us
"Umm, it's a bit far we can get an Uber"
"No! Get in. We're taking you home"
We got in the car, and rode in silence. I was feeling so nervous I forgot how to talk. I didn't want this to be awkward but it was turning out to be.
"So where did you say you were from?" Grayson asked Korie looking through the rearview mirror
"From Alabama" Korie answered proudly
"Alabama? Mhmm"
"Is there a problem with that?"
"No, I was just—"
"Oh shit!" I interrupted "oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!" I screamed when I realized all of my things were in the trunk of my car.
"No! FUCK!" I screamed annoyed
"What's wrong?" Korie asked worried
"The keys— my apartment Keys, I left them in my purse in the trunk of my car"
"No you didn't!"
"Yes I did! This cannot be happening!"
"Can't you just get the keys from your landlord?"
"No" I shook my head "I live in a studio apartment, my landlord doesn't live here. I only have the one set"
"It's okay we can figure it out" Korie always so optimistic "we can get a hotel
For the night"
"Yeah? Look around? With what money? Our purses are in the trunk of my car!"
"SHIT! you're right!"
We were in the back freaking out not noticing the guys staring at us like we were idiots, which technically we kinda were for leaving our purses in the trunk.
"What if we try to break in, we can go through the window" Korie suggested
"Yeah! That would be the perfect plan if I wanted to get arrested" I said sarcastically
"I'm just trying to help!" Korie Shouted
"Don't worry, Grayson fucked up your tire, Grayson will pay for your hotel" Ethan interrupted our intense freak out
"What! No! I'm not going to let him pay for our hotel"
"It's okay, I don't mind" Grayson reassured us
"No, I can't. The tire thing wasn't your fault. You shouldn't have to pay, plus I can't accept that"
"I can!" Korie shouted earning a very bad look from me "what? Is either that or we sleep on the street and I'm not about to sleep on the side of the road, God knows what's out there at this time of night!"
"She's right you know?" Ethan added with a grin
"I'm always right"
"Ugh! Fine then" I finally agreed though I wasn't proud. Something about two strangers playing for our hotel room
Didn't sit right with Me.
I got my phone to look for hotels nearby and only found one that didn't look too bad, and it was only five minutes away.
I gave Grayson the address and five minutes later we were parked outside, too scared to even get off.
"If we stay here we will get murdered, and I'm trying to make it back home safely" Korie said looking outside the window at a group of suspicious looking guys just hanging in the parking lot.
"I think we'll be fine" I said not trying to cause anymore trouble
"Yeah, I agree" Grayson said "you girls can't stay here, it's not safe"
"Yeah, it looks super sketch" Ethan added looking around
"Fine! Let me look for another one" I grabbed my phone and started searching, but was stopped by Graysons bright idea.
"I know, why don't you and Korie just stay with us, it'll be easier and in the morning I can take you to get your car"
"What? No way. We can't impose like that, we'll be fine here"
"Really, it's no trouble at all. Plus we have a spare room" Ethan proposed looking back at us waiting for us to agree. I looked at Korie to see what she was thinking and she just nodded
"Honestly it doesn't sound like a bad idea, and it'll just be for one night" she shrugged
"So it's settled, you're staying with us" Grayson started the car and drove off. This was about to be an interesting night.

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