Chapter 1

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I woke up early in the morning, I looked to my right and saw Korie dead asleep. She had a long flight yesterday and after going to eat we came home and spent the whole night talking, making plans for the two weeks that she was staying.
Thankfully I was a teacher and I had the whole summer off so I didn't have to worry about missing any work while she was here.
I got up quietly not wanting to wake her up, we had a long day ahead of us and I wanted her to get as much sleep as she could, I still couldn't believe this girl I had met on the internet had become my best friend.
She came to visit all the way from Alabama or "bama" as she calls it, and it was our first time actually meeting, we had spent hours on FaceTime planning this trip for months, wanting everything to be perfect. It was her first time in California and I just wanted her to see everything.
I hopped in the shower and I tried to be quick but the water felt so good against my skin that I took longer than I had hoped.
When I finally got out Korie was already up but still half asleep sitting down on the bed giving me a look
"Why didn't you wake me up bitch?" She said rolling her eyes
"I wanted you to sleep in, we have a long day and I don't need you being all tired"
"Yeah, that or you just wanted to Hog all the hot water!" She said sarcastically
"Hey! I may have a tiny one bedroom apartment, BUT never ever talk bad about my water heater because it's the best and the hot water just keeps on going"
"Whatever you say Junie!" She opened her suitcase and started getting the things she needed for her shower. I sat down on the bed and just watched her.
"How was your sleep anyway?" I asked seriously concerned. I knew that living in a small apartment wasn't a problem for me but I didn't know how she'd feel about having to share a bed. My bed was actually really big so we didn't have to sleep so close to each other but I wanted her to feel comfortable.
"I slept good" she shrugged "honestly I was freaking out a little about sleeping on the same bed because you know me I like my Own space but after I closed my eyes I was completely gone"
"Ha! Ha! Me too" I admitted
We talked a little more before she went to shower. After, we just ate and got ready for our day.
"So what should I wear?" She asked "this shirt with these shorts" she said pointing at a white top and some black jean shorts "or this dress" she said pointing at a light blue dress. I took her two options in and then changed it up.
"Why don't you wear that light blue dress and—"
"Excuse me?" She interrupted "did you just call this dress light blue?"
"Uhh yes"
"For your information it's not light blue, it's daphne blue and it's my favorite color"
"You know you're so annoying" I said rolling my eyes earning a middle finger from her.
"Anyway like I was saying before I got rudely interrupted, take the DAPHNE blue dress, and wear it"
"Are you sure?" She asked still debating "I just want to look good, you know I heard really good things about California boys, maybe I'll take one back home with me" she said with a wink
"I highly doubt that, you'd probably annoy him to death" I joked with her
I swear sometimes I was positive that we were long lost sisters or something, we were definitely so alike but yet so different in every way possible. We bickered so much people would probably assume we hated each other but in reality that's just how we showed affection.
We finally got dressed and ready, something that should've taken us an hour or so took us three, but what could I say we wanted to look our best, we were gonna go "shopping" on Rodeo Drive and we knew we had to look the part.
The drive there felt eternal, only because of traffic. I lived and hour from There and it took us almost two to arrive.
When we finally got there it was on, we spent hours shopping, though we didn't buy much we still bought some things, but we had fun going to the stores and trying out so many things, by the time we finished it was already getting dark.
"That was fun" I said putting our bags in the trunk.
"Yeah" Korie agreed "but I'm beat, I'm so hungry I could eat a cow"
I looked at her and we both laughed because she was vegan and she would definitely not eat a cow.
She got in the drivers seat since I hated driving so much and I was tired I was making her drive .
"How welcoming of you" she complained but I didn't care, I ignored her and just sat on the passenger seat giving her directions.
I led her through a shortcut through some back roads hoping we'd get home faster but out of nowhere we heard a popping sound. We didn't know what it was so we ignored it, we put some music on and sang our hearts away until a thumping sound kept getting louder and louder.
"What the hell is that?" I asked lowering the music
"How the hell should I know?" Korie answered concerned. I looked around trying to figure out where the noise was coming from but I couldn't see anything.
"I think we should just pull over and check it out" I suggested, if anything we would just check it out, better safe than sorry.
As the car came to a complete stop on the side of the road the noise also stopped. We got out of the car and that's when we saw it, my back tire was completely flat.

Blue Sapphire Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon