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And it starts all over again. Zayn disrupting her life. Why did she bother and fight it for? It would be so much easier if she just went with it, just remained with him. Let him kill as he did and come home to her... She was so over trying to keep it together only for him to fuck her up again and again.

He did this all the time. Came back into her life, not that he ever left, but when he felt like he couldn't do without her, he would fuck her... Take that step... Bart would step in and all hell would break loose and it was back home with her.

Zayn would keep away for a few months, he would show up randomly after that just to see if they were okay... He would miss her again, force her back and then fuck her again... Same old...

She was just truly over the repetition of it all. Every time he made that move to sleep with her, it felt like the first time for Diana. Her heart would beat dramatically, she would feel like she was about to die from the fear...

And as disgusting as it was, she always found her release. Zayn knew that she was starved for human affection. He was the only man alive who was ever going to touch her... She knew that... He knew that and he used it to his advantage.

What to do... What to do?

Diana refused to leave the room. She felt so dirty. Always did after being with Zayn. She hated herself for being so weak.

Jamie was the one to call her out. "Oy... Um... Rachel and the boys are going at it..." She said shrugging her shoulders. "They look pretty worked up."

"Oh really?" Diana didn't know what Jamie wanted her to do. "Um... Maybe just leave them?" She said.

"What if they hurt her?" Jamie looked very unsure.

"If one hurts her the other will stand in and stop it. They work strangely..."

"I know but... I'm going to stand by her... Come on..." She urged Diana to do the same. The only reason that Diana did go with Jamie was purely because she owed Rachel her life.

Jamie wasn't lying when she said they were going at it... And fucking Katie was there.

"You can carry on all you want babe, you're not going anywhere." Zayn put out his smoke.

"Fuck you! I am not asking for your permission." Rachel snapped.

"Yeah well... Still not going." Zayn was keeping his cool. He was playing like he was all calm. Bart looked ready to launch at his sister.

"You know what? I'd love to see you stop me." She said taking them on. Not a good idea Rachel. Diana felt bad for her.

"Why can't she move out?" Jamie now. No... Shut up Jamie... Bart looked deadlier than Zayn at this moment.

"Because I'll kill her." Zayn now. Diana had to draw in a deep breath. She really didn't like it when he said shit like that.

"Why?" Jamie again. "For moving out? Dude, have you tried living with you and that other Neanderthal?" She said shaking her head. "Fuck off and let her do what she wants."

"How about you shut the fuck up?" Bart snapped at Jamie.

"Oh go die. What the hell? Let her be. You want a housekeeper, hire one." She said not giving a fuck what they thought. Diana wanted her to shut up.

"No, they need me to do their shit for them. They think I'm mum." Rachel now. "They have mistaken me for our mother." She was not holding back. Both Zayn and Bart's eyes darkened.

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