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"Hey, what's wrong?" Rachel had just walked into the kitchen when Diana hit the counter in frustration. "What did he do?" She asked knowing this had to do with Zayn.

"He wants me to stay the week... Or ordered me to stay."


"Because I lied to him about Mitch."

"So just tell him the truth. Why keep things from him? You know he will only discipline him... Mitch needs to know he can't step all over you."

"How can my own son know that when his father does that exact same thing?" She said hating her life.

"Diana... He means well when it comes to Mitch. You know he'll never hurt him. Why can't you just be straight out with Zayn on this?"

"He's a kid Rach. He thinks I hate him. I know he doesn't want to think that but he does. I don't mean to be so distant from him. I love him... He's my son... But... He just wants so much of me all the time."

"Like his dad right?" Diana nodded. "I know honey... I know."

"So... It looks like I'm spending the week."

"Well... I wouldn't mind some company. I'm sick of my brothers to be honest. I think I will be moving out."

"What? No way Rach. They will never allow it." No chance in hell. Diana knew for a fact that the boys will never accept Rachel moving out. She had a battle ahead that was for sure.

"They have no choice. My life... Anyway... Let's go." She grabbed the tray of coffees off the table and walked out before Diana.

Diana drew in a deep breath before she headed out to face Zayn.

Zayn looked amused, he was up to something and Diana knew that it had something to do with Bart. A very tense looking Bart.

"Have you seen Jamie lately?" Bart asked Diana.

"Me? Yeah... She came around a week ago."

"Right... Nice. And did she say anything?"

"About?" Diana was not sure what he was after.

"About getting married?" Zayn had that glint in his eyes. This asshole loved to stir the pot.

"Um... No..."

"You sure Diana?"

"What's this about?" Diana was truly confused. Jamie told her that she wasn't going to marry Zayn... So what the hell was this about?

"Nothing." He said nodding his sexy head.


"She's wedding dress shopping." Zayn was the one to enlighten them.

"Oh... Who is she getting married to?" Okay, Diana was really confused now.

"Not my business to say... She's coming around soon... You can ask her yourself."

"Jamie is coming?" Rachel asked now. Zayn nodded. "Let's call Tarquin and Christian... Have the whole crew here." She said smiling.

"Fuck off Rach." Bart snapped. "Did you know? Do you know?"

"About Jamie?" She sounded taken aback by Bart's attack.

"Yes about fucking Jamie! Did you fucking know?" Wow. Diana felt bad for Rachel. No wonder she wanted to move out.

"Relax dude. No I didn't know... Why are you so worked up for? I thought you didn't want to marry her. Leave her alone."

"Shut up." Bart looked ready to attack. Diana felt sick. She didn't like it when these boys let their anger out. They were a scary duo.

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