Looks Like I'm, Pregnant.

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Sasha POV

When we get home I run too the bathroom, take the test, then I wait.

After the result showed up, I cried. Positive. Im goint to be a mommy, Matt is going to be a daddy. This is going to ruin Matt's life? I walk out of the bathroom trying to be happy, but it doesn't seem to work.

"So?" Matt said looking down at his feet.

"Look I know you didn't want the awnser to be positive," I looked up and I saw him smile.

"Positive, IM GONNA BE A DADDY!!!" He yells. He start running around the room screaming, "IM GONNA BE A DADDY!" I laugh at this.

Matt POV

I'm gonna be a daddy. I take her hand and pull her to the guys room. They were doing a vine, of course. I have to photo bomb it. "IM GONNA BE A DADDY!" I shout in the camera.

Cameron POV

I trusted him with her. But now I think I shouldn't have. I grab him,punch him in the face, but not only he drops Sasha does too. I kick her off of him. I look at her, she was bleeding. Shit, what did I do. I start walking towards her, she backs up until she hits a wall. She then puts her hands towards me, as if saying stop.

"Cam, I know your pissed, but please we have to deal with the child not you, we have to support it, please just don't take your feling s out on us!?" She said while crying.

"I'm so sorry..." I said almost in tears.

Sasha ran over to Matt.

Sasha POV

I ran to Matt.

"Matt, baby are you okay?" I asked worried

Blood ran down his nose and by his eye. Damn Cam got him good.

"Hun, I'm OK, been better, but I'm okay. Promise."


"Okay, let's go sweetheart. I don't want you or the baby to get hurt."

We walked back to our room.

"Sit down, I'll go get a rag to clean you up."

"Promise me something first, promise to stay away from Cameron. At least until the baby is born, if I lose you or the baby, I will probably would die. I don't know what I would do to be honest with you. Promise. Okay?"

"Okay. I promise."

I clean up Matt, god I'm scared as fudge. If Cam could do that to Matt then no telling what he could do to me or my baby.

*2 Months Later*
Matt POV

Sasha and I have a doctor appointment for the baby. She has a baby bump, not big but its there. I can't wait to see my baby boy or girl. Hope it's a girl. Sasha wants a girl too. If it's a girl her name will be Jaclyn Mae Espinosa. If it's a boy it's going to be Dalton Lee Espinosa. I love the names.


When we got there and we had to fill out a form. I filled it out as Sasha just looks at her tummy. I look at her, touch her tummy, she jumped. Jeez didn't know that I was scary. Haha. Her name was called, so we walked down the hall into a room. She laid down on the bed, and I sat down beside her.

"How far along are you?"

"Two months!" We say in unison.

"Little perky much." He said, he must not have ment it to come out loud enough to where we could hear it. Well this is great so far.

Sasha POV

My little baby will be seen today. I hope its a girl. I really do.

"There's you baby." He said pointing to the screen. "Or babies..." Babies!  I'm not ready for one let alone 2! They print out our pictures, then we leave.

"Baby, are you okay?" Matt asked as we got into the car.

"How are we supposed to deal with two babies, I don't even think I can be a good mom for one!" I said while crying. Matt pulls me into his chest. He always smells so good. Anyway, why wouldn't I just have one. My luck is horrible.

__Hey guys sorry the other characters have not been talking lately they will soon, okay! Luv you guys, Ali __

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