3 Damn Days

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Sasha POV
Matt has not waken up in 3 days. And im scared shitless. I have not eaten or showered and i probably need one. Amy and Shawn have been watching Hope, and she has been very happy with them. They are better to her then i am and im her mom. Im such a horrible parent. I started to cry again for the 3rd day in a row. Then there was a knock on our door. It was Cam. He is really going out on a limb coming here.
"Leave." I said looking away. "Sash..."
"I said LEAVE!" I said a little louder, almost a yell.
"I brought you food..." he set the food down beside me.
"Not hungry." i said and pushed the food away.
"The baby needs it." He looked at me.
"So now you care?"
"I have always cared about you. And i also care about my baby..." he said.
"You have a baby?" I asked shocked.
"You." He looked down at his feet.
"No... no... no... no it cant be you its Matthews baby!" i said on the edge of tears.
"No.. its mine." He sounded dissapointed.
"You should leave." i simply said.
"Yeah i should." He said and walked away.
I walked over to Matt and sat by him.
"Hey its me again, and im gonna leave for awhile. I dont know when i will be back. But all i know is that i need to figure my life out. First i cheated with Nash and now Cameron. Well Nash wasnt really cheating... anyway goodbye Matthew Lee Espinosa. I will miss you. And i will love you always." I kissed his forehead and packed all my things. I decided to leave the U.S. i will go to France. Paris, France. Yes that sounds fine. Before i could leave i decided to write a note for Matt.
Im sorry for everything ive done to you. Ive made your life a living hell. And i will love you always. I need to clear my mind, i need to start over. Im getting an abortion and im going to France. Im also leaving Hope here seeing as though you know how to take better care of her. Im 17 i was never ready to be a mom. I dont know when i will be back, but i do know this... im gonna miss everyone. You and Hope the most. Im so sorry ,again, for the horrible life i have given you. I leave you my engagment ring, give it to the one you love the most and who will treat you both right.
I love you guys. Goodbye.
Hailey i will miss you soo much, hope you Hayes work out. Tell the guys i love them all. Also tell Amy that i am sorry. And thanks for the memories.
I put on red lipstick and folded the paper then sealed it with a kiss. You could see the mark well enough. As i was leaving, i looked back and began to close the door. Then i saw Matt look around and grab the letter. I made a run for it. Either now or never. As i got in the car and started it i noticed that i had left my phone on the stand by the bed. Then i saw Matt run out the door. I stepped on it. I was gone in 3 seconds flat.

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