"No I like the way you talk about him. It's really cool. You guys are cute together and I can tell how much you love each other. I haven't seen many people that share the amount of love you two do" Jack says with a small smile as he looks over at the girl

To Jack Octavia looked strong. Physically and mentally. He could tell the girl was as sweet and playful as a little puppy but fierce if she had to be like if someone was hurting her friends she protected them like an alpha wolf. What he didn't know was that she was a werewolf and the hide that recited in her was a female alpha

"Your over 21 right?" Randall asks as he places a beer infront of Jack and then puts his own and his girlfriends stuff on the table then slid into the booth next to Octavia and he put his arm around the girls shoulders and pushed her food over to her with his other hand "one vanilla milkshake and fries for my beautiful angel"

"He's just kidding we don't actually care if your 21 or not" Octavia laughs and then dips her fry in her milkshake and then shoved it into her mouth

Randall places a kiss over on the side of her head and then began drinking his beer

"Thank you" Jack says hesitantly and raised his beer up in the air towards the two and Randall and Octavia both did the same and they tapped their drink together in the middle

"Cheers" they all say symultaneously and then begun to drink their drink

Randall looks over at the boy and decides to speak up "look man. I wouldn't take her rejection to hard. You never stood a chance. She would have bailed on you the second she saw your Star Wars bed sheets"

Octavia lets out a scoff and glares over at Randall "Star Wars is one of the best movies series ever created" she says "your just still mad over the fact that I said Anakin was cute"

"I'm not interested in her" Jack says and looks over at Octavia "and your right about Star Wars being one of the best movies"

Jack looks backward to two boys and a girl who were chatting and one of the boys was looking Octavia up and down

"You into him or her. Or the other him" Randall asks with a grin but then notices the look that the boy was giving his girlfriend

Jack hits Randall's arm "oww" Randall says and Octavia lets out a low growl but quickly covers it with a cough. She couldn't help it

Jack looked at the girl in confusion but turned to look back over at the trio that was standing by the bar then turned back toward the couple sitting with them and lent forward and began talking "what do you know about the hemetric order of the blue rose"

Octavia looked around the room as if she were checking that nobody was listening and then she meant closer to jack as if anyone else would hear it they would all die and then she said "that it's a crock of shit" she then snickers and leans back into her seat

"I think they may have been recruited and I'm trying to figure out what they all have in common" Jack states

"Besides being... elitist assholes?" Randall asks and cough uncontrollably when he noticed the boy still looking at his girl

"Hey a lot of good people are members like Michelle Obama, Warren Buffett, Oprah" Jack says

"Oprah?" Octavia asks with a confused look on her face and raised her eyebrows in humour

"You know who's also supposed to be members? Bad people like Benito Mussolini, George W Bush. Oprah" Randall says to jack and keeps taking quick glances at the boy staring at Octavia

"For someone who doesn't believe you sure know a lot about them" Jack says and leans closer to Randall intimidatingly

"We're Wikipedia smart" Randall and Octavia lie with giant smiles on their faces

"Look even if they do exist. I wouldn't get your hopes up" Randall says to the boy and pulls Octavia closer into his side

"Why is that" Jack asks

"Because man they want fuckin sheep" Octavia laughs "you've obviously got a mind of your own and I don't think that they're gonna like that too much"

"Yeah. Well who wouldn't want unlimited power" Jack says and Octavia eyes him wearily "thanks for the beer. I'll see you around"

"Sounds good" Randall calls out

"See ya later" Octavia calls

Randall glares over at the trio and Octavia grabbed him hand that was resting on the table.

"Hey Randy are you alright. You've been acting odd for like the past five minutes" Octavia says and looks up at him and he stares down into her deep blue eyes

"It's nothing don't worry about it" Randall says and his jaw was tenses so she placed a light kiss on the side of his jaw and snuggles into his neck

"Don't stress it Randy. I love you" she mumbles into his neck and he sighs in content and holds her as close as he can while breathing in her sweet sent

"I love you too" He says and places a kiss ontop of her head and continues to drink his beer

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