18: My Life Is In Order📮

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I ran until I saw Shawn's back on a wall. He was smoking a cigarette. When he saw me, he threw it down and stomped on it. He took out a Halls from his pocket and sucked on it.

"Come to daddy" I slow walked towards him and finally, I hugged him.

"I hate hiding you, I want to showcase you to the world. I haven't even told Samkelo"

"Soon babe, soon we'll be the school's power couple" I said kissing his cheek.

"So you've liked me for quite some time, neh?"

"Don't do me like that babe. You know that my ego gets hurt when I have to admit that yo' boy had a crush on you since you were in Grade 8" I laughed at this and he shook his head.

Shawn and I haven't kissed yet. He is respecting my wishes, I don't think I'm entirely over Langa yet. I've been dreaming about him over the last few weeks.

The bell rung and Shawn sighed.

"See you after school babe, we'll meet at Steers"


"Stop sending me cheesy texts in class Madlanduna or I'll get caught" I said as I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked to class.

I sat down on my seat, which was next to Charmaine and I greeted her.

"Its been a while." She said.

"I'll make it up to you. Come over to my house tonight" I said.

"You owe me hoe. We'll have to stop at some local supermarket and buy loads of junk food" she said as she laughed, that's the one thing I loved about Charmaine, she doesn't get angry for a long period of time.

"I have an announcement to make to you guys after school" As soon as I said that, I blushed.

"Who's the guy?"

"How did you-"

"I know stuff babes" she said flicking her hair. I laughed at her and before I could answer, our History teacher entered the class and started writing notes on the bored.

"You'll meet him after school" I whispered in her ear. She nodded and continued to write her notes.


The crew and I agreed that we would meet at Steers. I told Shawn to wait in his car, I'll send him a message when he can come inside.

We ordered 4 Wacky Wednesday's, and I bought an extra one for Shawn.

"How was the meeting with the teacher? Nathan asked

"The teacher?"

"Yes the teacher, in the morning"

"Oh yes, the teacher... it was not really a meeting. I misheard some instructions she gave out so I wanted to be sure" I said lying straight through my teeth.

"Oh, you could have asked me" he said.

"Guys, I have an announcement to make."

"Out with it" Andile was the first to speak and everyone in the table laughed at his reaction.

"I have a boyfriend" I looked down at my phone and pressed the "send" button.

"He'll be here in a second. You guys know him and please try to be nice. I really like him, despite his reputation" I said genuinely.

Everyone nodded their heads. We made a few small talk until Shawn walked in and sat down besides me. He gave me a peck on my cheek.

"Hello guys, I'm Shawn" Andile was the first one to give him a fist bump and Charmaine stood up and gave him a hug, but Nathan just chose to ignore him.

"Its nice to meet you Shawn. Welcome to the family" Charmaine spoke. Our eyes met and she gave me a wink.

"I have to go" Nathan said, standing up. He walked out of the restaurant and Shawn told me to follow him.

"Hey Nathan Stop!" I said.

"No Ada, why him?"

"What do you mean? You make it sound like he's a bad person" I said rolling my eyes.

"Thats because he is, he's not good for you Ada. He's a heartbreaker. A player. This is all a game for him"

"Nathan why can't you be happy for me." I said. My eyes were now starting to water and I could feel the tears burn my eyes.

"Ada I want what's best for you. I love you and you're my friend, I'm only trying to protect you". He was now gripping his hair, causing a huge scene.

"I don't need protection Nathan. Let me be, please" I was now crying hysterically at this point

"Ada No! I'll be the one who has to take care of you after your breakup when you're a crying mess. SO STOP DEFENDING HIM" With that said I felt very lightheaded and my head started spinning. No words could exit my mouth.

"Ada, are you okay?" Those were the last words I heard before I fell on the ground.

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