Chapter 17

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Lol I totally didn't do a face reveal and then delete in a few hours later XD Anyways thanks for reading remember you are loved, have a great day!! <3 Ps: yall liked Carlo so he is back XD

Chapter 17

(Carlos pov)

"Carlo wait." I hear a voice call out. I turn around and see Dixie. Maybe she had forgotten to tell me something? "Carlo I know you were originally helping Addison, and I was just wondering if you could help me? I thought griffin would help me but he obviously didn't care about my feelings, and he used me. I told him how I really felt and he didn't love me enough to except Loved Addison and not him, so yeah it would be really nice to have someone help me. I just want this to be perfect." Dixie explained with her eyes then becoming teary. It hurt me to see her upset, it really did. I loved her. I loved her so much. I must help her I just want her to be happy, that's all that matters to me. "Dixie of course I will help you, but I must ask what you need help with." I say. "Really thank you so much Carlo" Dixie says quickly wiping the tear that fell down her face.

She then explained the whole plan to me, about how she wanted to kiss Addison but still as the stranger, and how she wanted Addison to find out it was her. Pretty good plan if you ask me. Still kinda wish it were me though. "Dixie I honestly think your plan is amazing, but how can I help you?" I explain not knowing how I could possible help her. "You can help me hide the notes for the scavenger hunt?" She says. "Oh haha ok cool." I say. "But I want to write her a few more notes first if that's ok." Dixie explains. "Dixie of course that's ok!" I say. "Thank you Carlo you really are the best!" She exclaims. "No problem Dixie. I better get going see you soon." I say. "Ok cya Carlo." She says. "Bye." I reply.

Once again we walked opposite directions, but this time I was left with the satisfactory of knowing I will see her again. If we never date then I am ok with just being friends. Being in love is something you can't help. Love is undeniable, love is the worst. I wish love was easy but it's not it's really not, so I will just have to deal with it. Well I really hope Addison can return those feelings for Dixie, Dixie deserves what she wants. Dixie deserves the world. I will always love Dixie, but now I have to let those feelings go. Sometimes friendship can be better than love though, I am glad I can even at least have a friend ship with her.

(Addison's pov)

Another day another letter, I think now approaching the girl leaning against my locker. I would say she beautiful but words could never describe Dixie, she is more important than words to me. "Hey Dix." I say now standing in front of the girl. "Heyyyy" She exclaims getting off my locker adding a little spin as she moves away. "Umm what was that?" I say laughing. "It was my super cool movesss." She exclaims in a slow voice. "Hmm ok whats up with you super cool person." I say still absolutely confused. "Dunno today I'm just vibinggg, I feel like a suuupeeerrrrr cool hipsterrrr dude." She says doing some sort of arm roll. "Okieee mannn" I say.

"Hey guys." Says a boy approaching us. "Ew Griffin go away you killed the vibe." Dixie says now looking peeved. "Did I ask?" Griffin says. "No did I say you asked." Dixie says. Yikes probably should break this up, buuut I am now intrigued. "Uhh shut up dumb dog Dixie." He says. "Woahhh didn't know dingus over here could use alliteration." Dixie says. "Hmm Dix alliteration is a pretty big word, can you spell it." Griffin says raising eye brow. By now there was a pretty big crowd surrounding us, now this was gonna be difficult to stop. "Yeah the word alliteration is pretty big unlike your *bEeP*" Dixie says. Cheers come from the crowd. Griffins face goes red. "Well how would you know?" Griffin says. "Griff your acting like we haven't seen you shove stuff into your pants." Dixie says rolling her eyes. Laughs came from the crowd, making Griffin blush of embarrassment even more. "Aww now you look like a strawberry, is it ok if I call you strawberry short*BleEP*?" Dixie says.

Soon Griffins face becomes even redder, he then can't hold back anymore. He swings his arm back, and throws his fist punching Dixie's right in the face making her fall backwards. She land in the arms of a familiar boy, who was named Carlo. I should be thankful that Carlo had caught Dixie just in time, but that were not the case. I was jealous. I wish I caught her. Stupid Griffin how dare he hurt Dixie. At this point I was so furious with Griffin I walked up to where he was standing still surrounded by a crowd. I then slapped him in the face. "Hey Adds, forgot you existed for a second. I would hit you but that would be animal abuse, so I better get going" Griffin says as he flees from the fight.

"That *bLeep*" I muddle under my breath as the crowd scatters away, I then walk up to Dixie and Carlo. Dixie's nose was bleeding, luckily Griffin is a weak noodle so Dixie was not hurt too badly. "Dixie are you ok?" I ask. "Yeah don't worry Addy." She says. "Thanks Carlo, you should probably go to class now." Dixie says. "Haha no prob Dixie bye." He says. "Bye." Dixie replies. "Oh Dixie have you met Carlo?" I ask kinda annoyed at them getting along well. "Oh yes, not going to lie Addy he's kinda cute." Dixie says smirking. Now this made me even angrier. "Yeah I mean I guess, he isn't that cute.

(Dixie's pov)

Hmmm Addison definitely gets jealous easily. "Umm why haven't the teachers come over yet?" I ask. "You know them they only ever come over if someone's gonna die or something." Addison explains. "Yeah true." I laugh. "Hey anyways did you get a letter?" I ask. "Oh yeahh I forgot to check." She replies. Addison then goes over to her locker. She grabs out the letter and smiles. "Addy read it out to me pleaseeeee" I say laughing. "Oh fine, Hey beautiful heres another letter for you. You make me feel ways I have never felt before, you give me the opportunity to feel this way, I love you more than anyone else. I am closer than you think, you may never love me. But I don't care. My love for you could never end, I love you so much. And if you don't return those feelings I don't know how I could possibly live, I have faith in you be excited for tomorrow's letter, because it's going to be an interesting one. Love you from stranger (;" Addison says. "Aww thanks Addy you really mean it??" I say pretending she was talking to me. "Oh seriously Dixie, child no wonder why you made me read is out loud." Addison says laughing and rolling her eyes. "

(Dixies pov)

I know after the fight I should have told someone that Griffin was being a jerk, but honestly stuff that. At the moment I only care about Addison, so yeah Addison is my 1 priority at the moment. Sorry I just can't help it. I guess I love her too much. After Addison had read the letter I decided to go to class, because I didn't want to have to deal with Charli yelling at me. Charli tends to act like my mum, therefore she yells at me for not going to class. Sisterly love. Soon the bell finally went. Lunch was now here. I pack up all my stuff and head for the door, freedom at last.

Soon I had made it to the spot where I and Addison spend our lunch times. It were at a shady tree, with leaves spread around it. The grass was bright and fresh. It were quiet there, we could actually talk in peace, generally without interruptions. We both liked it that way. As I approached the girl who sat under the branches of the tree butterfly's swarmed in my stomach, she then turned and smiled at me. "Dixie finally you're here!" she calls out. "I didn't take that long." I spoke. "Yeah, yeah I know." She says. I smiled, then sat down next to her. "Addison have you ever been in love?" I ask. "Oh where did that come from?" says Addison. "Hmm not sure, guess I was just wondering. You don't have to answer." I reply. "Haha don't worry Dix its fine. I mean I guess I have had a few crushes some bigger than others, but other than that I don't believe so." Addison states. "Did you love Bryce?" I ask. "I thought I did, but I wouldn't call it love anymore. I think I was just so desperate for the feeling of love that I had tried to convince myself I loved him. I was wrong I never loved him." Spoke Addison. "Loves hard." I declare. "Stuff love, I will just marry you when I am older." She laughs. I laugh as well, even though I wish she meant it. I want to marry Addison, she would look pretty great in a wedding dress.

Hee hee thanks for still reading this story!! When I finish this story would you guys like me to write another Dixison story? Thanks for reading, remember you are loved, have a great day or night, if night go to sleep XD Also if you want leave some story suggestions! Bye!!!!!!!

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