The next ego was more hard first is I have to climb the 'The Tower' that represents a warning  of upheaval, danger, crisis, or sudden, drastic change. Art of the Tower in tarot decks often highlights someone falling from a tower's peak as a tower crumbles to ruin. Then I make it there were I meet 'The Lovers' who calls himself the 'Stereo Lovers' he challenge me in a duel he gave me the arcnum 'The Strength' courage and inner power, which in the face of confrontation takes the form of her sword. During this fight, I splits him to two revealing the most well known meanings of the Lovers card, partnership and duality. He act may indicate that I'm dealing with knowing that the person who broke my heart has moved on without him and by defeating them finally attains closure.

The fourth ego 'The Hermit'  I have to find him using 'The Chariotwhich has taken the form of a classic convertible, and heads onward alone down an empty road. The Chariot represents new determination, initiative, and progress towards a goal, or moving with a purpose. Then I finally found him and calls himself 'Hermit 64' he was calm and secluded, standing in the road. He then summons a card that says 'The World' and traps me inside in his virtual world. The World's typical keyword meanings are success, achievement, completion, and fulfillment. As I was trapped in his virtual world I suddenly realize what he represents,'The Hermit' arcanum represents solitude, self-discovery, and humility. Attaining self-discovery is one of the last uncompleted steps on the cosmic checklist before the I can succeed at his quest and finally return to the literal real world.

The final ego was way more difficult and very dangerous 'The Death' also known as the 'Little Death' the fist stage is I have sail in the ocean following 'The Star' arcanum, a card that represents guidance, direction, and renewed hope, as she searches for 'Little Death'. Navigators of old used the stars to make their way across vast seas, so a ship makes a fine vehicle for 'The Star' card stage. Then the battle with 'Little Death' takes place over several stages and the first tool that I acquires 'The Temperance', my peace and harmony in the face of chaos and fear, that takes the form of a shining bow and arrows. The bow is used to eliminate flocks of flying bat-winged skulls that attempt to halt your progress, summoned by 'Little Death' using 'The Hanged Man' arcanum, a card indicative of delays, self-sacrifice, and martyrdom.

'The Sun' is used by 'Little Death' as the circular gates and walls of electricity that I must dodge, though this has no apparent connection to its standard meaning as Major Arcana (clarity, growth, well-being, and joy), but we'll give a free pass on that one. During these last several levels, I need to call on all of the tools and skills that I earned or internalized during my journey up to this point, with mechanics from past stages reappearing frequently.

Despite it's harsh name, in the Tarot, 'The Death' does not have a strictly negative meaning, but he represents a profound change, a transformation, rebirth, and even purity in being reborn. This is clearly portrayed by 'Little Death's' several forms as you meet in combat and peel away her layers of power to reveal new forms.

First Little Death's wings and claws emerge, then her single, all seeing eye, and finally his body is blasted away, leaving only the massive floating eyeball that must be defeated. After stabbing straight through the eye of Death with the sword of Strength, the Death card merges with all the other boss cards and turns into... a clone of myself.

By defeating my inner shadow self in this manner, we can see that I has reached emotional maturity and is willing to accept all aspects of myself, including the ones that have caused me struggle and strife. Upon final defeat, my clone morphs into the massive form of a glittering dragon and carries me home through colorful, near blinding skies. After that I kisses and absorbs the dragon too, I hear the other three arcana and joins to the others to complete once again as the I falls back through cosmic space toward home.

Flashback Ends:

Then I wake up and I realize everything is not just a dream but it was true an I realize I was stuck in the fantasy world that time in other words my I got an 8 graded syndrome who do vigilant in 2 years luckily I manage to reverted back. I evenly asked my mom what date today and she say Year XXXX: Month XX: Day XX and I was deadpan and shocked I evenly saw some news on what I did or have done and how come I never knew about this.

Little by little I started to remember on what I did in the real world first is Devil beats up ever gangster villain, Moon defeats every villain whose hideouts are in the forest, Lovers beats up every villain in city, Hermit beats everyone in my so called hideout in abandoned build and Death beats everyone at night. That's were I realize everything that happens in my fantasy world it was about my quirk on how I gained it and how I easily evolved it in the real world.

The worst of all there are four of them; First is I realize it's not just an 8 graded syndrome cause me stuck in the fantasy world it's also because I got drunk on my quirk then I run around helping loads of people and do vigilant, 2nd is lots of villain, heroes or some crazy organization is looking for me non-stop, 3rd I never talked from everyone and the worst of all I evenly sing lots of song and it got hit and popular some citizens like it as well.

"As for today this beach looks very lonely I must do something about it." Izuku said and he releases 'The Empress' and 'The Hierophant' card then all of a sudden the beach is more nicer and more beautifully then he release 'The Star' card and summons a yacht.

" Izuku said and he releases 'The Empress' and 'The Hierophant' card then all of a sudden the beach is more nicer and more beautifully then he release 'The Star' card and summons a yacht

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So he decides to spend the rest of the time in the sea and sings a new song. (He is still in his 'White Rabbit' form)

As Izuku finishes his song little didn't he know some drone is live broadcast. Then Izuku noticed it he then fly in the air and make the boat disappear and releases 'The Magician' and says

"Again 'Sayonara Wild Hearts'." Izuku says and teleported in other place

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