Chapter Five : Gradually

Start from the beginning

     "You tell us, and we'll tell you."

      "They made a bet, Pac," I turned to face Ethan and knew he could see how red my face was. "I did. Now tell us what the bet was." I tried to sound confident, but my voice wavered ever so slightly. Ethan fist-pumped the air and smirked at Simon, who sighed.

     "I said Pac would confess first, and he said you would. But since he won, I've gotta try to get Tyler to smile. If I'd won, he would've had to scare Mandie." Simon sighed again.

     "Which would've been easy!" Ethan called, making Mandie stick her tongue out. We all laughed. Pacifica asked if we could go somewhere private, to which I excitedly nodded my head. She giggled. We said our goodbyes and left. We made our way to her pond. It was much like my and Dipper's, just smaller and more compact. We had convinced Stan and Ford to help our friends make cubbies too. Pacifica had asked for more of a "vanity" style area, along with the basic sleeping place. We'd given everyone the same glowing plant seeds and she'd chosen pink, purple, and blue, putting them in stripes around the vanity area. I knew Dipper was always confused as to why I'd scattered mine, but I liked the chaos.

     "What 'cha wanna talk about?" I asked, sitting on her bed as she went about cleaning things - which was really unnecessary since everything was spotless. She grabbed another sweater I'd made for her. It was light gray with white polka dots all over it and a hoodie pocket added on afterwards. She blushed.

     "Umm, can you close your eyes for a second?"

     "Oh. Of course." I signed. I closed my eyes and covered them with my hands. I could feel the water shift as she changed. I blushed, realizing why she'd asked me to look away. I waited in silence for a moment. Of course, underwater, it's always silent, but whatever. The water moved again as she came over to me and pulled gently on my wrists, moving my hands away so I could see. She smiled gently and pointed up, gesturing to surface. I listened, following her up. It was much brighter here, since there were less trees.

     "So, what does this make us?" She mumbled, rubbing the nape of her neck nervously. I considered for a moment, not wanting to make her upset.

     "Well... I mean, neither of us asked the other out. So, I guess mutual crushes. Unless... Oh - Will you be my girlfriend?" I nearly shouted, realizing what she was actually asking for. She giggled, snuggling into my chest and hugging me.

     "I'd like that."


     I snapped my head up, startled to not see anyone around. I couldn't figure out why I was kind of sad to be alone. He left me a surprise. I looked around, my eyes landing on a small wrapped box. It was pretty, with light blue paper and a white bow on top. I gulped, remembering he was supposed to be evil. It's probably deer teeth or something.

     I shook my head and grabbed the box. He didn't seem evil. He was really nice actually. And handsome. And his eyes are pretty. Wait. I paused. Does this mean I'm gay? Stan said two guys that like each other, but I don't think he likes me. So maybe... Maybe I should ask Mabel. She might know. I carefully unwrapped the box, not wanting to rip the pretty wrapping. I folded it carefully and set it on the highest shelf. It was a simple cube of cardboard. I unfolded it and was surprised to find something pleasant.

     "Oh." It was a simple bracelet and necklace set. The bracelet was made of interlocking triangles, and reminded me of one of those basic chain bracelets people wore. The necklace was a leather cord with a silver circle charm. I looked closer. The circle had a pinetree engraved on the front, and on the back was the big dipper. I smiled softly as I put both of them on. They seemed fitted ; not too tight and not too loose. I felt a sense of pride as I put the cardboard box on the shelf next to the paper. "I'll have to put that somewhere later." Great, now I'm talking to myself. I used what limited protection magic I knew and made sure the water wouldn't damage either of the gifts.

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