Chapter Four : Sleepy Chats

Start from the beginning

     I turned to my left only to be attacked with a hug, driving my head underwater. A flash of a long, blonde braid made me smile as I realized who it was. We resurfaced, giggling as we embraced again. Her dark blue eyes shone as she smiled at me.

     "Pacifica, why'd you do that? You could've ruined your shirt!" I laughed, teasing her for her posh taste. Either way, a blush coated both of our faces. She laughed as she flashed her pearly whites. From her rich purple tail, to her tanned face, she was perfect. I don't think anyone knows I like her, except of course Dipper. She had traded her gold hoop earrings out for small amethyst studs that complimented her lavender sweater. I had knitted a white heart in the front, so every time I saw her wear it. It's so fucking cheesy.

     "Because I couldn't ruin it anymore than it already is," she said in a teasing tone, seeing as we both knew she kept it in pristine condition. I could feel the others smiling at us. I swore my face was gonna melt off from how hot it was. We all began making our way to the trench, all excited at the prospect of finding something new.

     "Adventure!" we shouted in unison, laughing as we swam deeper. Pacifica was beside me, always signing with me and making me chuckle.

     If only she knew how I felt.


     "Thank god," I mumbled as I packed my satchel with waterproof art supplies and some berries. Their hunts usually lasted two hours, so it would be fine if I went to my safe space. I felt a little guilty hiding it from Mabel, but everyone needs their own space eventually... right? I shook the thought from my head, replacing it with excitement. In half an hour, Bill would be asleep,and I would get to actually see him. I doubted he actually looked like a single-eyed triangle ; how would something like that speak in such a deep voice? I blushed at the memory of his voice. I was about to leave when I felt an odd sensation dart through my scattered thoughts. I felt around the back of my lowest cubby until my hand gripped the drawing and pulled it out. I stowed in my bag and made my way to the west-most wall, much like in my dream. I found the hole - just outside the entrance - and removed the rock I used to hide it. I pushed through into the tunnel and concealed the entrance. I swam forward, excitement pushing me to swim as fast as possible. I saw the light drifting down from the surface up ahead and sped up even more.

     As I broke the surface of my secret bay, I smiled at the calming feeling that spread through me. The pinetrees here were so closely knit, nobody could get into the area from the side. A calm waterfall covered a small cave with a sandbar that acted as a bench. The only way to get in was from my tunnel or above with the waterfall, but even an aerial approach wouldn't work well, considering the trees' broad branches hid the pond well, only allowing soft sunlight through. I stared up at the waterfall ; there was a strange stone arch, but I always assumed it was a natural formation.

     "I can't wait till I can live on my own." Of course I'd miss seeing Mabel everyday, and the tunnel was too low and too long for Stan or Ford to visit, but I could always go to them. This pond was a good bit smaller than Bear Creek, but I wouldn't need much room. The cave would act as a study/bedroom, and water was never a worry for me. Even food was taken care of ; a variety of berry bushes grew along the shore, all of which were edible. I'd cleared out a section of the sandy shore to act as an extra seating space in case I ever invited anyone here. I doubt that'll ever happen. Unless Bill actually wants to meet me... I once again blushed at the thought of the dream demon. His voice was so calming and enchanting, I would've believed him a siren if I hadn't been warned of his existence. Mabel knew less about it than me since Ford had written an entire section in the third journal and Mabel didn't like reading.

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