Announcement/Got tagged again.

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Yo, so um. I DID NOT EXPECT TO BE TAGGED AGAIN and I'm sorry to the people who hate reading these. So, I'm gonna do the announcement first, so y'all don't have to scroll all the way down.

SO! FROM JULY 1ST TO JULY 11TH I AM GOING TO BE ON VACATION! Don't worry. It's nowhere out of the country. Not even out of my home state. It's also nowhere populated, because I know that the Covid-19 is worse than it's ever been (unlike the rest of my country who's out rioting and reopening shit). I'm going camping, so it should be the opposite.  I'll be in a place where I can't be online, so I obviously won't be able to upload. I'll still be able to write, but not post anything. So I won't be able to respond to any of your comments either. It might sound a bit selfish, but could y'all refrain from commenting for a bit? Like, obviously if your commenting as you go you won't see this, and I don't want you to delete anything, but just don't go back and comment. I leave on Monday, so do whatever you want until then.

Also, after I get back I'll probably have to cool down and not write, so even after the ten days I might not upload. Sorry.

SO! Onto the tagging then.

I was tagged by esmim9.

(Sorry if I repeat some stuff from the last time)

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(Sorry if I repeat some stuff from the last time)

1. Probably Iz or Bell (ha ha guess what my name is)

2. Light Brown

3. Currently blonde but my natural hair color is brown.

4. I have a cat and I would die for him not questions asked. (actually I'd die for pretty much anything I have barely any sense of self preservation)

5. Um, wardrobe-wise probably black but just in general turquoise or aquamarine.

6. The mountains and anywhere I can climb and jump on (I have a lot in my area)

7. I don't really have one.

8. I really like snakes and reptiles but big cats are also up there (me wishing my cat was jaguar)

9. Um (I'm saying that a lot) currently I've been getting into vocaloid so probably Echo. (I really just listen to anything I think sounds cool. Screw lyrics)

10. On here it's really hard to say but either "Something Precious" by @singleflight (I've been getting into Naruto fics) or "He Wasn't Being Himself" by @alright_artz . Non-digitally it has to be any of the Percy Jackson books.

(These are random people who follow me btw)


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