Cafe time yayay

696 19 47

"Aloha? Aloha...?" Octoglasses called out to Aloha, who was spacing out during their team meeting at their apartmemt. His teammates were worried for him, he barely talked since he came back from the trip, which was a week ago. 

The S4 wasn't hanging out as much as they used to, and Team pink started to wonder if they even talked anymore. Probably not, after what happened. 

"Aloha, you have got to pull yourself together!" Diver yelled, irritated that Aloha was acting like a ghost. Straw nodded, and walked over to where he was sitting on their couch. She put her hands on his shoulder, and softly whispered, "Please, Aloha... forget about Army and Forge, okay?" 

That ticked off Aloha.

"I KNOW!" He stood up aggressively, and Straw backed away. "Aloha, calm down! I didn't mean it like that!" She weakly shouted back, while Aloha stormed off to the door. "WHAT DO YOU THINK IVE BEEN TRYING TO DO?" He gripped on the doorknob and looked back to see his teammates shocked at how he's acting. His face softened, but only for a second. He opened the door and slammed it hard that their apartment room shook a little. The three looked at each other in concern, and they knew they had to do something about this. 

Aloha looked around his surroundings as he walked around Inkopolis Square, checking if neither Army or Forge was there. He calmed down a little when he saw no sign of them. He sighed, realizing he didn't really have anywhere to go, so he decided to go to the cafe and have a drink. 

He peeked inside, searching if anyone he knew was there. The last thing he needed was having to talk about his trip with a friend. The place was packed and buzzing with squids and octolings drinking coffee, but he didnt see anyone he knew so he decided to walk in.

As he opened the door, a cat shaped bell jingled, and a waitress noticed Aloha. She smiled and walked over to him. 

"Hello! Are you here by yourself?" She asked, as she grabbed a menu. Aloha didn't respond, until she asked, "Um, are you okay?" Aloha shook his head, snapping himself out of it, and nervously chuckled, "yeah, I'm fine, just tired." The waitress smiled again. "Alrighty then, follow me."

Aloha sat down at a table and thanked her. He already knew what he was going to order, a strawberry smoothie, his favorite. He was scrolling through his phone, when he heard two inklings come in, and their voices were familiar.

He looked up, squinting his eyes to see them, and then saw them. It was Army and Forge, and their arms were wrapped around the other's. (BLEHHHH 🤮🤮🤮)Army was wearing his beret like usual, but was wearing a leather coat and boots. He was also wearing jeans, which were rolled up a bit. Aloha's cheeks brushed a light pink, he didnt know Army had a taste in leather clothing, and he looked very handsome. Then, there was Forge. She was also wearing her beret, and her tentacles were in a ponytail. She was wearing a medium length skirt, which was the color of the sun. Her top was a white turtle neck sweater. 

Aloha wasn't gonna lie, she was really pretty. But at the same time he wanted to crush her. He decided it wasn't worth it and he hoped that none of them noticed him, until he could leave. He watched them sit down together at a table. He could tell they were talking, but he couldn't tell what they were exactly speaking.

Aloha saw Forge stare into Army in a dreamy way, and hated that. Unfortunately, he couldn't see Army's face, because his back was facing Aloha. "Gosh darn it..." he mumbled, but was interrupted by the waiter. 

"Hi again! Are you ready to order?" She asked kindly, and Aloha nodded. She smiled and took out a pad along with a pen. "I'll have the strawberry smoothie in a medium size cup, please." He spoke, and handed her the menu. "Okay! We have a special offer for a limited time, and if you want, we can add freshly sliced oranges to it! Trust me, it tastes really good! And pink and orange looks really cute together!" She offered, and Aloha smiled sadly. 

bItChY FoRgE (Aloha x Army)Where stories live. Discover now