Inky Snow Resort... Noice

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It was a nice, warm day, and the S4 (S4?? s4???) were having their weekly meeting near Crusty Sean's food truck.... but of course it ended with them arguing.

"Yo, Army~ wanna come to my house later after this boring meeting~?" Aloha asked Army. "Aloha, PLEASE stop flirting with Army. This is a freaking meeting, not some party." Skull scolded. Mask just sighed, and Army shoved his face in his manuel, covering his blush. "Hey~~ I saw that blush~~~" Aloha whistled. Mask got up and tried to walk away, but Skull grabbed him and placed him down in the chair before he could escape. "End my suffering." Mask whispered, but the rest heard him just fine. "Hey, it's not like you're the only one that doesn't want to hang out with you guys!" Aloha whined. Then, a familiar voice yelled, "Sounds like you guys need a break!" The S4 turned their heads and saw Goggles holding 4 tickets.

 Aloha laid back on the chair. "What makes you think that?" Aloha asked, while stretching. Goggles grinned. "Well, it's not like I stalk you or anything, but you guys recently look really stressed out and tired, and I found these tickets for a free stay at Inky Snow Resort! There was coincidentally four, and I thought, Hey! The S4 could use a vacation!" Aloha practically jumped from the chair and grabbed the tickets for him to see. "NO WAY!!! The fresh, new resort?!?! And we get to go there for free??? Goggles, you're the best!!!" Army rolled his eyes. "What's so special about this resort?" he scoffed. "Not only is it an awesome new resort, its the only resort near us that has a whole skiing area, and-" The rest of the S4s didn't look interested, which Aloha noticed and put on a smug face. "Aaaand it has a whole candy boutique," Skull's eyes widened. "A huge gaming arcade," Mask's eyes widened. "and a ginormous kitchen in each room! And there is also a library, but who even reads now?" "I do." Army growled. 

"Well, it's like this resort was made for us!" Aloha said as he handed each S4 the ticket, who did not refuse to take it. "Thanks Goggles~!" Goggles smiled happily, and replied, "No problem! It's my pleasure! Hope you guys have fun!" And off Goggles went. (To Rider's house HEHEHE)

"Well~? Are we going? Pleaaase?" Aloha begged. Skull examined the ticket. "Caaaandyyyy" Mask checked his phone and gasped. "No way! They have every single arcade game in there! I'm innnn." "So both of you are going," Aloha turned to Army. "and you, my dear prince~?" Army looked away in embarrassment. "W-well... i-it wouldn't hurt to take a f-few days off I guess..."Army stuttered. Aloha smiled. "Great! That means we're all going! Okay... um... pack your bags tonight, and we'll meet here tomorrow at 8 in the morning! Does that work for everyone?" Everyone nodded, and they went off to their apartments to pack for their vacation. 

(Time skip)

Aloha was bored and was checking Instagram, which was making him notice how lonely he is. Everyone else is either having the best time with their boyfriends or girlfriends or hanging with their best friends. "Ugghhhh I wish I had a roommate... Too bad Diver has a cat that hates me ;-;" Aloha sighed and flopped himself onto his bed. "I wonder if Army has a roommate..." Aloha looked around his room. "He would totally make me clean up this mess." Aloha chuckled, but it was interrupted by a ping from his phone. "Huh?" He checked his phone and there was a text message from Army!

Army: Hi. You done packing?

Aloha: Yea! Just waiting for tomorrow to come. U?

Army: Yes, I'm done. And also really bored.

Aloha: Oh really? Surprised ur bored. Isn't ur diary supposed to keep u busy?

Army: It's a manuel, stupid.

Army: Anyways, can I come over? Pretty sure your "packing" is just a boxer and a shirt. 

Aloha glanced quickly at his bag. He had packed TWO boxers, and TWO shirts, AND gear for snowboarding. "Tch. What does he think he is? My mom?" Aloha had been snowboarding ever since he was a tiny squid, because his mom was a pro at snowboarding. Meanwhile, his dad was an expert on surfing. Aloha prefers surfing better, because of the beautiful view and his love for the beach. 

bItChY FoRgE (Aloha x Army)Where stories live. Discover now