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Army just stared at the photo. W-what...? Why...? Why is Aloha kissing that girl...? He looked up at Aloha, who didn't seem like he knew anything. 

"A-Aloha...?" Army asked, trembling. "Hm? Is something wrong?" Aloha asked. "D-Did you cheat on me?" Aloha's eyes widened. "What are you saying? I would never do that! You know I love you!" he yelled. Mask rolled his eyes as he was played games on his phone. "Whoo, drama..." he mumbled. Skull kept checking the kitchen waiting for his sundae. 

"Then what the fuck is this?!" Army shouted back as he threw his phone at Aloha, who caught it. He saw the photo, and he froze. "Someone took a picture!!" Army couldn't believe this. "So you really did cheat on me... I'm sorry if I did anything wrong, Aloha." he got up, put on his parka, and left in rage. 

"W-wait! Army! Don't leave!" Aloha shouted back, as he limped as fast as he could to him. He grabbed Army's arm, and turned his body so that it faced him. Tears were strolling down Army's face, messing up his face paint. "Y-you're crying..." Aloha let out quietly, and Army pulled his hand back aggressively. "Don't touch me!" he yelled, as he proceeded to run away from Aloha. Aloha didn't know what to do, he was frozen and just stood there, watching his lover run away from him. 

"Well, well, well. Look's like someone just lost their boyfriend, hehe..." Someone giggled. Aloha looked back, and saw Forge, who had a huge grin on her face. "F-Forge...? What are you doing here?" Aloha asked, his voice breaking. Forge's grin turned into a frown immediately. "What does it look like? Getting my future husband, stupid."

 Aloha couldn't take it anymore. Because of this bitch, he had just lost someone he loved. "Y-you... You can..." he struggled to speak, and Forge giggled. "Hm? Tell me, Aloha." Aloha gave her a death glare, and whispered, "Fuck you. You have no fucking clue how much I love him. He loves me too, and I know he still does." Forge cackled. "Army still likes you? He ran away from you. If he still loved you, he would've stayed and listened." Aloha couldn't believe her. Did she really grow up with him? It's like she doesn't know anything about Army. "Um, you should know Army has anger issues. There's no way he would listen to someone when he's furious." Forge chuckled nervously. "Whatever. N-No one cares, okay? So shut up and go flirt with another girl, I'm sure you'll forget Army eventually." she walked away, probably to Army. Poor Aloha looked down, and stumbled back to the diner. 

(Bruh I forgot that Aloha has a sprained ankle and almost made him run in this chapter I'm so stupid.)

Army was in his hotel room, staring at a wall, and crying. He was so furious, yet so heartbroken. He knew Aloha would flirt with other girls, but he didn't think that he would actually cheat on him! He didn't know what to do anymore, should he leave? Or ask Skull to change rooms? Deep down he knew he still liked Aloha, but another part of him said that he should leave him. 

Army heard a knock, wiped his eyes, and walked over to the door. He opened it, and saw Forge.

"Forge?" he asked, confused. "How did you get h- Never mind that, how'd you get that photo..?" Forge tried her best not to grin, and responded, "Oh, uh... someone took a pic and sent it to me, so I thought you should see it." Army nodded slowly, still staring at the wall. 

Forge sat next to him, and patted his head. "I'm sorry, I guess Aloha wasn't the right one for you."she whispered. Army didn't say anything. Forge glanced over at him, and hugged him.

"W-what?!" Army's eyes widened and he slowly turned his head at Forge, who looked back at him. She smiled, took Army's arm, and placed it on her shoulder. "F-Forge...?" Army asked, his face orange as an orange. (I'm sorry) She placed her finger on his lips, and calmly shushed him. "You have me now." She whispered. Army looked at her with orange flustered across his face. He slowly rested his head on her shoulder, and stayed there. Forge smiled, she had everything she ever wanted right now. And poor Aloha's heartbroken, thanks to her. >:(((((

bItChY FoRgE (Aloha x Army)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz