The Ripple Effect

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The Ripple Effect

Brought on by others, affected by you, and changing so many lives.

A collection of stories, poems, letters, and lives.

Inspired by people on the streets, my imagination, and music.

We're familar with the Ripple Effect, yes? I expect many have heard of their teachers telling them not to gossip, to do good, for everything has an affect. Or their parents, their aunts and uncles, or maybe they had to learn it themselves.

the images in my head, put into words, creating people, creating fantasies.

A whisper of life, is all they need. A small ink sentnace, and a person is created.

I expect, just like in everything, you'll find small connections.

For example, if you put all the capitol letters in chapter Three, you might find a message.

That's all I'm telling you, but notice the details, the weather of that day, what the person's wearing, what color's they see.

I associate feelings with colors, you see.

Notice the dates, if there is some.

Notice the pictures, as well.

And when your done, maybe you'll realize the Ripple Effect.

When your done, you may realize the details.

This novel is to entrance your mind, to distract you, to fill your soul with beauty, with hurt, and with understanding. To find more about this world, my world, your world, and our world. For it's all the same.

I want you to peruse this book, to find the secrets. You may tell me what you realize, and i'd enoy that. Maybe you'll know something i hadn't realized, or you'll understand something, i hadn't before.

You can kewep it to yourself, if you'd like. Or you can tell others.

Pass it along, this idea of the Ripple Effect. Listen top the music, read the words, watch the people, create fantasies.

The mind is the worst thing to study, if your a perfectionist, for you will never knoew the truth.

But, for me, i don't study the mind, i study the people, their words. I try to understand them.

Details, rememer.

Notice the details and your life will be Affected.

For the Ripple Affect, curses us, blesses us, and teaches us.

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