My heart was still pounding even after the two of them left and zipped the tent shut behind them. Everything was moving too fast, it all felt unreal. I ran my fingers through my matted hair, exhaling sharply and trying to calm myself.
Oh gods... what was I going to do? We didn't have long, that much I knew at least.
My wings jittered randomly on my back, worsening my mood. Tutting, I ran my fingers down the folds, relaxing myself as best I could. What in the world are you going to do?
I had no idea.

I blinked, smelling the bread once more. Suspiciously, I glanced at the tent's opening. There was no one there, they really had left. I turned back to the 'food', debating whether starving was better than being poisoned. The humans weren't watching us... perhaps it... wasn't a trap?
I turned, "Hey, Micah?"
The boy had his back to me, but in his hands a small clump of the bread was clutched.
I gasped sharply, "Don't eat that!" I grabbed his wrist, "It might be poisonous!"
He shook me off harshly, almost smacking my hand away. "It's not." He growled through a mouthful of food.
I frowned with confusion. He still didn't turn to look at me, only moving when he was putting some of the bread in his mouth.
"Micah?" I repeated quietly, and still he didn't answer. I touched his arm, "Are you okay?"
The boy crushed the bread in a fist, "Of course not."
Understandable. I rested my head on the glass wall, "Hey, I know this is really scary, but..." my voice trailed off. He didn't seem to be listening to my words. He didn't seem... scared. I got the feeling that he wasn't acting up because of fear. Then, a thought dawned on me.
Slowly, I took a step towards him, "Are you... angry with me?"
He whipped around quicker than I had time to react, "YES!"

I blinked, my mouth open wide at the boy's angry face. The little child was furious. The purple of his eyes was scrunched into a scowl, cheeks red and agitated, his entire body tensed with emotion.
I stared back at him. "What- why?" I stammered, taken aback at his sudden rage. Was it because Sam had picked me up? I couldn't help that!
Micah let out a sarcastic laugh, crossing his arms, "Seriously? You don't know why?"
My own temper began to bubble. "No," I replied dryly, "Is it because Sam was holding me? I'm sorry if it scared you, but there was nothing I could do!" Sorry if it scared him? What about me?
"It's not that," he shot back, glaring at the floor.
"So can you tell me?" I demanded.
He groaned. The boy then sent the bread in his hand hurtling off to the side of our prison.
"You told them everything!" He cried, tears springing from the corners of his eyes. I stared back with silent shock. He's crying.

The yell echoed emptily in the sealed jar, ringing in my ears.
"You told them about the tribes," he sad, "About the Winged, about your friend the tree, the Hollow- they know everything now!" He stormed towards me, "Because of you!"
I took a step backwards, feeling the coldness of the wall on me. "I- Micah, I had no choice..." I murmured, shaking my head.
"Of course you had a choice!" His eyes were wide, "I wasn't going to tell them, no matter what. You came to my tribe to help my people, and now these humans are going to find us because you told them that there were more of us!"
"I had no choice," I repeated, clenching my fists as my voice rose, "It was either tell them, or let them do something horrible to you!"
Micah let out a cry of frustration, kicking the side of the jar, "So what?!"
I watched in bewildered amazement as he slammed his fist on the walls, "We're in a jar!" His hands waved around, "We're trapped in here..."
He turned back to me, his wide purple eyes shimmering. Micah's voice cracked slightly as he forced out the strained whisper, "Do you really think just because you told them all that, it's going to stop them from hurting us?"

I found that I had my back pressed against the wall.
"I..." I began, but I knew that he was right. "Sam had you in his hand, Micah, I..." I shook my head softly, eyes wide and my voice barely a whisper, "I thought he was going to kill you."
He barely even listened to the horror of what I said, "... you think that he's changed his mind now?"
I could only stare back at him. Unable to think of a response. The scary thing was that he might be right. But if that human hurt Micah... I wouldn't be able to bear it, even the thought of it hurt.
Micah groaned, rubbing his eyes, "Don't you get it? We can't get away now..." He faced me, "I'm done for. And you..."
"Me?" I repeated.

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