He's Back

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I opened the door. I grabbed the monitor and sat down. I switched to the main hall and did the same things with the other cameras. I switched to the Kids Cove. I saw something purple. I focused in on it. My eyes widened. "Shit shit shit shit!" I grabbed the gun and walked into the doorway. I heard footsteps behind me. I looked around and saw a man in purple. His skin was colored with blood. He had a knife in his hand. "So you finally see me. Not all those times?" "What do you mean?" I Stepped back. "I can see you. I'm everywhere. You just can't escape." I grabbed the knife when he tried to raise it. I tried to push it back onto his stomach, but his arm was stiff. "Good luck getting out of this one." I was smashed into the wall. He walked towards me. "I don't thing you will your jaw." He kicked me in the jaw. I could feel the hinges move to the side. I fell onto my side, motionless.

I looked at my arm. It was broken off until the elbow. My jaw felt like it was cracked. I pushed it back into place. It was 7. I was knocked out since 12. "I will try to find a way to f--king murder you," I said. I stood up and looked at the door. It was bashed open. I looked outside. I didn't see my car anywhere. "No!" I looked towards the direction of the house. I started making a run for it.

I stopped at the house. The door was busted open too. "No no no no no!" I walked into the kitchen. Knifes were on the floor and the microwave had blown up. It was still smoking. "Why is this happening?!" It felt like a nightmare looking at the broken and messed up stuff. I looked upstairs. A door bent. I rushed up the stairs. I noticed a price of my suit broken. It was the arm. "I could use this." I picked it up and planted in the socket. It stuck and transformed to look like my arm. I looked at the bent door. I walked up to it and kicked it open. It felt like slow motion. I stared at the man raising the hammer over Bonnie head, ready to crush it. I rushed in and rammed into him. We went through the window and onto the grass. I rolled onto the grass. He got up and grabbed the hammer. I stood up. He hit me once in the face. I twirled around. I turned back around. I grabbed his legs and tried to push him into the air. "That's not going to work." He dropped the hammer on my face harder than I bitch-slapped Golden Freddy. My face went 5 feet under ground. I couldn't breathe and my head was bent. I felt him grab my neck and throw me into the house. I went through the wall and stove, through the refrigerator, and through the front door. Even then I hit the car on the other sidewalk. I rolled over and grabbed my leg. The wires were exposed. I looked at my chest. Blood poured through a large gash. "You aren't human." He got closer. "No I'm not. I'm your worst nightmare." He kicked me in the chest. I smashed into the car. He stepped back. I looked at the car. It was on fire. I tried to stand up before the explosion went off. The last thing I heard was "You will never beat me."

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