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Name: Ameio

Age: well over a thousand

Appearance: media

Personality: intelligent. He's a very loyal man once you gain his loyalty you might as well forget him ever betraying you. He is very prideful in himself, he thinks he's the best looking man alive and don't you even tell him he isn't. He's a bit of a ladies man. He's a huge doof. He is a bit flirty and thinks he has the right to slap anyone's a$$.

Likes: outside, admiring himself in the mirror, being told he's attractive, sexy, hot ect.

Dislikes: being told he's adorable

Fears: water (he almost drowned when he was younger.)

Species: half raven half demon

Sexuality: Bi {Seke}

Flaws: he slaps people's butts by habit

Extra: despite being chads younger brother shadow was and will forever be one of his best friends, he'd kill his brother in a heart beat if it was to defend shadow from being harmed.

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