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Name: Aren

Age: 13

Appearance: tallish, creamy skin that normally always has a blush tent to it, one big purple eyes and one big green eyes, blonde kitten ears and a green and purple scaly tail.

Personality: intelligent, distant at times, can be rude, can be caring, he's very prideful at times, he's very fond of thinking he's just beautiful and doesn't take well to people telling him other wise.

Likes: outside, swimming, books, toy cars.. Still, wrestling, boxing, sports, school, his friends and family.

Dislikes: being grounded

Fears: "I don't fear nothin'" he said, thumping his chest. {The dark}

Species: half neko half dragon

Sexuality: Bi {Seke}

Flaws: he gets upset easy.

Extra: sometimes he lets lani and Kayla paint his nails and do his hair.

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