Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

"Krystal!" the entire table sang in unison.

Krystal giggled. 'Oops! Sorry!"

   Breakfast came and I had the most scrumptious meal. Pancakes with eggs, and lots of whipcream and syrup. Like we usually do after most of our meal is done and we just pick on random things the girls gosspied about the recent fashions, the latest movies, and who did what with Will as though they were bragging.

   Once we got to that part I kind of blocked everything else out retrieving Vanessa's magazine to read. I was flipping through pages when my jaw dropped and my eyes nearly fell from my head. One of the articles was on Thomas, his new movies, his new lover...and me!

   I knew Thomas was famous and all but it never occured to me that the media might be aware I had any relation to him. I made it very clear to Thomas what ever we had was secret to the outside world because I had no interest in paparazi stalking my front yard.

   In the picture they had it was of me, clearly, but it was from a distance and blury. I knew it was me because of the blury profile and length of my hair. The picture was from New Years when Thomas spend the day with us. You see him kissing my cheek and above the picture was a caption that read Heart thob Thomas Flynn Baker's Long Time Lover!

   In a large displayed collage of pictures are Thomas and I, all were blury thank God, over the course of around two years. The length of our entire relationship. I read the article and aparrently these were pictures they had for a long time suspecting it was Thomas. It was finally confirmed back in April it was him when you have a clear view of his face at the local coffee shop back in Carolina and I was approaching him, but you only see my back.

    Just great! They're not going to stop until they figure out who I am! I continued reading the article and Thomas hasn't confirmed anything but there was a picture of him kissing a blonde woman, a co-star from his current movie, out on the streets of Dominica.

    I was furious! Thomas knew she would hurt me, and she did. I always wanted to be like her, who I recognized as Barbie Jones. She was tall and slender, with stunning yellow locks, porcelain skin, a pointy nose, and eyes this shade of an immaculate chunk of blue sky.

  Apparently he's dating her now. Well I really don't care and oddly enough it didn't hurt me like I thought it did. It hurt the fact that he purposely sought out someone he knew I wanted to be like but other than that there was no jealously. Not passion in my heart.

I was warped from my thoughts when an obnoxious giggle errupted. "You look a bit frazzled Alessandra" Constance jaunted. "You alright hun?"

   In the only way to really describe it Ora finished wiping her mouth, in the most Ora like fashion, put her napkin down so nonchalantly and spoke as though she was speaking fact or saying hi to a neighbor early in the morning.

"Oh look," Ora sang, with her expressionless face. "Conbitch Kennehoe decided to do something with legs other than open them and used them to walk over so she could greet them. How are you sweetie?"

Cecilia spit her tea into her cup and Krystal chocked on a grape.

Constance snarled at Ora. "Oh shut up you-"

Ora with her wide beautiful eyes just looked at her bobbing her head and said "Why don't you shut up and give that hole on your face some time to rest. You got that thing working on overload 24/7!"

Her jaw dropped. "Says queen motor mouth"

"yeah but at least when I speak its something people care about!"

   Even I, who made it my buisness to not start trouble, chocked a bit, and smothered my laughter with my hand. Constance shot an evil glare my way to which I just smiled in return. Was she trying to scare peopl? It really didn't work.

"Jealously is an ugly thing" Constance retorted.

"Oh yes," I said on the contrary. "But you my dear, wear it best"

Constance's eyes turned to slits as she narrowed her eyes at me. "What did you say, you over grown blow fish?"

Before I could mutter a word Ora jumped to my face. "Babe, she's a person not a mirror"

"Its nice to know Alessandra can't speak for herself" Constance barked, her little minions behind her. "You're all bark and no bite aren't you?"

"You're the one who invented the game, why don't you tell me?"

"I-!" Constance opened her mouth but Ora helped a hand.


Constance raised a thin eyebrow, her stunning features glowing even with all the make up she had on. "You're just jealous that I'm and hot and you're not"

"Oh please," it was the first time Cecilia spoke. "The only thing you can turn on is a light switch"

   Krystal burst into her loud contagiou laughter smacking the table. Constance and her group of girls stormed off and our end of the table was left in hysterics all except Tiny who nearly giggled and Vanessa who rolled her eyes.

When Constance stormed away Ora sang gleefully. "Burn, baby burn!"

Cecilia giggled and Krystal nodded with approval. "Nice comback Cece"

"Nothing you couldn't come up with Keke"

   It was funny how I'd grown attached to these girls. I felt like we were all stars, tangled into one big consolation, to close and beautiful to be taken apart.

Lady Illea (Lady Illea #1)Where stories live. Discover now