Chapter Seven

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    Most days I look forward to the sun rising. I love the beginning of a new day because to me it symbolized a new beginning. I like finding symbols in things and I like finding meanings in things. It lets me know that everything in the world has purpose. I didn't sleep last night. For some reason I dreamt of the man that saved from getting hit by that car. It was so odd because in my dream it all happened so fast but his face, I caught only a glimpse and now revisiting my memory I could not help but feel I'd seen him before.

    When the sun finally rose I rolled over in my bed, facing the window, and dreaded the day to come. Things happened so fast before I knew it the Emson's were at my house, daddy was beaming, and I? I sat on the floor in my bedroom staring at my walls, in all its peeling paper beauty.

  Finally when daddy insisted I leave my room to say good bye to everyone I stood and let out a deep breath, holding onto my locket tight. For some reason I felt this weird shift in my heart. Like things were about to change, like my life was about to change. Forever.

    The sensation drove me out of my mind because I didn't want this. I just want to stay long enough so daddy could pay off the house then I'd get my sorry butt kicked out. Apparently the universe had a different agenda because that was the exact vibe I was getting.

   I tried avoiding the feeling. I tucked it deep into the folds of my head and left it there, to be examined another day.

   It was strange. I turned, full circle, examining the room I spent my entire life in. This was home, no matter how much it was falling apart. This was the place I poured my heart out in journals, daddy would tuck me in at night, and the place Emilie, Leslie, and I used to hide sometimes.

There was a knock on the door and Derek, Emilie's older brother, stuck his mop of blonde hair in. "Your dad wants you."

I nodded. "I'll be right there."

Derek crossed his arms leaning on the door frame. "How do you feel"

I shrugged. "Fine I guess. Am I supposed to feel a certain way?"

Derek shook his head and from the light coming in from my bedroom his blue eyes glinted and his freckles were visible. "I guess not"

  He left and a moment afterwards I grabbed my suitcase, giving one last glance into my room, before shutting the door behind me. It felt like I was shutting the door forever on this part of me but that was ridiculous. This was home. I'll always come back here.

  I rolled my suitcase into the living and everyone just looked at me. I mustered the best smile I could. "Ready"

Emilie was the one that approached me first, enveloping me in one of her tight hugs. She squeezed even harder and I could have sworn my lungs popped. "Have fun! Don't forget us little people when you become queen!"

I would've glared at her and told her to shut up but there were people around. Before I could look at Emilie her piglet curls bounced away and Leslie pulled me in for a hug. I hugged her back. "Have fun Allie. Don't forget to write!"

I smiled. "Of course I'll write."

  Mrs. Emson stood next to Mr. Emson and they were both beaming with so much proud had I been blonde you would have thought I was their daughter. Mrs. Emson squeezed me tight.

"Good luck sweetheart!" she beamed.

I hugged her back. "Thanks Mrs. Emson."

When I released her Mr. Emson embraced me. "Take that palace by storm, Allie" he said and I laughed.

"I'll try"

Mr. Emson released me and Derek hugged me next. "Come back soon, I look your cooking."

   Everyone laughed and suddenly the mood felt lighter. And lasly daddy came into view and the mood shifted all over again. I hated leaving him here alone. The reasons to not go to the palace just keeped showing up.

  Suddenly I felt like crying. Daddy looked like it too so not wasting a moment he pulled me into a tight warm embrace. He smoothed his hand down my hair and trying my best not to cry I buried my face in his shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you sweetheart," he said. "But I know you'll be a wonderful queen"

I sniffled. "I haven't even left the house yet."

    Everyone laughed.

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