Chapter 2

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My eyes flitted over the crowd. I saw Caerus in the group of fourteen year olds. His face was grim and he wasn't speaking to anyone. My mom was in the middle of the terrified parents, who were to the left of the stage. My mother was speaking quietly with a mom next to her and Juniper was standing still. Someone poked me and I jumped slightly. It was Marie, one of my closest friends. She had blonde, almost white hair, and pale skin.

"Are you nervous?" she whispered.

I shook my head. "Not for me."

She tilted her head slightly, "For Daniel then? Don't worry. It will be ok."

I glanced over to the boys side of the aisle. I could see him looking my way, but not for me. Probably for Rosemary.

"No not for Daniel. Well, yes. But more for Caerus."

Marie just held my hand tightly. Because, in situations like these, what can you really say to comfort fear?

Since we had time before the ceremony started, I let my eyes drag across the stage. There are three chairs lined up. One for our only living victor, our mayor and the escort. Our escort is a woman named Miana. She's been here for a while. Her hair is long, pink and sleek and she wears tightly fitting dresses. Gold tattoos trace up her arms. Our mayor is Mr. Laconnie. He's nearing the end of his time and I assume someone will take his place soon enough. And finally, our Victor: Haymitch Abernahty. He won two years ago when he was sixing. I'm not ashamed to say that he's rather attractive. He was born in the Seam, so he has gray eyes and dark hair. He doesn't look intrigued. Instead, he looks positively bored. I've never met him, but based on his interviews in his Hunger Games, he was arrogant, proud and stuck up. Who could blame him I guess. The victors were loved in the Capitol no matter what.

Miana stood up at exactly 1:00 and walked to the microphone.

"Welcome everyone! I am so happy to be standing before you today, here upon the reaping of the 52th Hunger Games." She appeared so animated it was laughable.

Per usual, a video commemorating the the Dark Days, District 13 and the rebellion. After that, Miana reads from the list of victors. Haymitch is the only living victor in District 12. Our first victor died years ago. No one knows why, but the most possible answers are drugs or the Capitol.

After she read and Haymitch has stood up and given an unenthusiastic wave, Miana spoke shrilly into the mic.

"And know, for the reaping of the tributes! As always, the ladies are first." She then moved toward the large glass bowl containing thousands of slips.

My fingers tapped against my thigh. My name was only entered eighteen. I will be fine.

Miana draws a slip out of the ball and walks to the microphone. I look at Daniel. I see that he is watching Rosemary. I feel some bitterness in my chest. For the last 5 years, we would also look to each other as the name was drawn. But all the bitterness is gone when I hear Miana's clear voice call out,

"Estelle Tyche."

My stomach drops. Marie grasps my hand so tight her nails dig into my skin. Daniel's head snaps my way and I've never seen so much fear in his eyes.

"Estelle Tyche, please come to the stage."

I hear someone let out a cry. It's my mother. Her hand is over her mouth and tears are streaming down her face. Juniper is watching me in shock. I force Marie to let go of my hand and slowly make my way out of the crowd of girls my age. I begin my way up aisle.

The square is so silent, expect for my mother's sobs, that my steps seem loud as I walk up the stage.

When I reach Miana's side she gives me a huge smile.

"Hello dear!"

I just stare at her. Miana ignores this. She practically shoves me to the side and declares. "Next are the boys."

As she fishes for a name. I stare out at the crowd. I can tell that everyone is feeling pitiful towards me and my family. Do they vaguely remember Miana calling the name Ash Tyche only two years ago? Probably. Instead of focusing on the confused and pained faces infront of me, I pick a spot above the crowds head and try to appear calm. I would positively lying if I said I was anything close to calm. I can feel panic rising in my chest.

Miana walks back to the mic and, clearing her voice, calls out

"Skander Hornberg."

A buff boy from the 17 year olds starts up the aisle. I hear him climb the steps. Miana angina greets him and then pushes him my direction.

We stand silently next to each other as the mayor reads the treaty of treason. Miana instructs us to shake hands.

Skander grasps my hand and I wince in pain. Quickly glancing into his eyes tells me everything I need to know about this boy.

I do not care if we are from the same district. I will not hesitate to kill you now matter what.

I pull away and try not to rub my hand. Peacekeepers herds us into the Justice Building. The doors close as I hear Miana say "if you come to the west entrance of the Justice Building, you will have time to say your goodbyes."

The peacekeepers lead us down a corridor and shove me into one room and Skander into another. It's nicely furnished, but I don't have time to dwell on that. I collapse on the couch and hold my face in my hands.

What the hell is happening

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