"You guys hungry?" I ask

"Yes, can you get us some food?" Says Parker, while trying miserably to get the cans in the rose bush "Ouch!"

"Ok, I'll be back soon" And I go inside.

I laugh as Parker accidentally grabs a branch from the bush with his eyes closed. Chester tells him it's a branch, but he still puts it in the bag. I go to the kitchen and make them nachos with a healthy chocolate shake (my own recipe).

"Guys, it's probably better to eat inside!" I yell at them.

"WE'LL COME IN SOON" I hear Chester shout back.

I play My Way, by RageElixir and YaBoiAction. It's my second favourite song after School Degree.

The boys come in, acting like the trash had coronavirus, going straight to wash their hands with soap and water. I watch them as they run like the Grim Reaper is chasing them, all the way down to the kitchen sink. Half of my entertainment is from their clean freak antics. They eat, then go back outside to do the rest of the cleaning. I go upstairs to my room, the rose gold looks so cool dried. I add the second coat then go downstairs again, and binge watch Friends on Netflix.

After about 5 hours (9pm) I go to my room, and the paint is dry. I clear away  the rollers, trays, paint tins, and sheets, and hide the paint tubes, brushes and palettes in my desk. Parker's dealing with the last few small bits of trash, and Chester is wheelbarrowing out the trash bags. I'm going to paint the decor when they sleep during the night.

(Fast forward to night time)

Chester POV

I'm in my room right now, just looking through social media, when I spot that Isla's online on WhatsApp. Strange. Wonder what's she's up to? Most likely reading fanfiction. I feel clean again after the shower I had. I spent a whole 15 minutes scrubbing out any spots that my eyes  could see. Yikes, that trash was gnarly. I can hear Parker snoring, so he's asleep. It's about 1am, so I feel really tired after the clean up. Wait a minute, was that something falling down?

I quietly leave my room, and check the hallway. Another crash. It's coming from Isla's room. I knock on her door. "Isla?"

The door is slightly open, and there's a light on. I push it open wider.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper. She turns around, shocked "Chester? What are you doing awake?"

"I heard a crash from here, I was almost asleep" I say, looking around. Oh, must've been those paint tubes.

"Paint tubes?! What are those for?"

Then I take a closer look at what she's doing. She's holding a palette in her left hand and a paintbrush in her right, and on the wall, there's the beginnings of a rose.

"Why are you painting in the middle of the night?" I ask her

"Shhh, I didn't want Parker to know until I was done, he's made me keep these walls on whitewash for the past year." She answers

"I didn't know you painted" Then I noticed the color of the walls, they were now a vibrant rose gold.

"You did that while we were cleaning?"

"Yeah, the trash was a distraction"

"Wow, you're really good", I say, looking at the intricate butterflies and the other Harry Potter and Percy Jackson paintings. There were also pictures of all of us hanging above her bed, some with just one of us, some of Parker and me, some of her and Parker, and some of us together. There was also one of all of us together, from her birthday.

"It looks great" I tell her.

"Thanks, I'm nearly done, just painting the rest of this wall then I'm finished."

"Cool, want some help?"


I did some fanarts back in high school, so I know a bit about paint. We both paint the flowers and butterflies, losing ourselves in the paint, and then, without us even realising, we had finished, and our brushes had met at the centre of a heart. One side was light pink and the other side was dark red. Our eyes met each other and we both blushed, looking away.

"Well, looks like we're done" she said happily

It's 2am, and I go to wash my hands in the bathroom.

"Need help clearing up?" I say, coming back, but Isla already fast asleep on her bed. I smile, tucking her in and clearing away the palettes, paint and brushes. The room looks like something out of a fairytale, and the heart is right in the middle of the wall, and it's huge, like it's the actual heart of the room. I feel really sleepy, suddenly, and ...

AN: Ok, I left that on a cliffie (mwhahaha) next chapter will carry on, a bit more fluff between Chester and Isla, and chapter 5 will be out soon. Bye!

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