#44 You took my milkshake.

Start from the beginning

 "So it's true? You've been stringing my friend along to try and get into her panties?" My jaw fell to the floor as my head whirled right back around to face Tia making my neck crack. Liam also spun his head round fast, but to burn his cloudy eyes into me. 

 "Wait... is that what you think?" He spoke fast and his voice didn't sound as deep as it usually is.

 I chewed on my bottom lip, refusing to answer his question. Looking back at my twirling fingers. Harris approached our table balancing three pink milkshakes in his hand. 

 "I didn't know what you guys wanted so I just got three strawberry. They're made with fresh strawberries, real good." He then spotted Liam whose eyes were glued to me. "Sorry dude, I didn't know you were here or I would've got you one too." I offered Harris a polite smile. 

 "We will talk about this later." Liam said sliding himself out of the booth. As an afterthought he glanced down at my strawberry milkshake "that does look good, I'll trade you." Grabbing my milkshake before I could protest he slid his untouched chocolate one my way and then walked off across the diner to join his teammates on the back table. 

 "I can't believe that jackass just admitted it." Tia was fuming and her dark ringlet curls bounced up and down as she bobbed her head.

 "Tia, you didn't have to ask him all that. It was so awkward." 

 "What's going on?" Harris asked, because he's completely in the dark about the situation. Tia explained the whole story to him as I sat quietly, secretly watching the jocks. They were super loud, laughing, joking, chanting, banging on the tables. They appeared to be drinking hot sauce in some type of competition and there was no hint in Liams persona that the uncomfortable encounter actually happened.

"As a guy, I don't think he's playing you. He seems full of jealousy, you don't get jealous if you're playing someone. Besides, the bet is to bag a loser... you're not a loser." Harris pointed out before taking a sip of his milkshake. 

 "Jealousy?" Tia and I squealed in unison. 

 "Well, yeah" Harris pointed towards his eye, there was nothing there but we knew he was referring the bruise Liam caused with his fist.

"Jealousy..." Tia toyed with the word on her tongue like she was hearing it for the first time. 

I swirled the striped, paper straw around in my milkshake thinking over what Harris just said. Glancing over to the back table I caught Liam lick Jordan's cheek. Jordan looked repulsed but the whole table was laughing hard as he wiped his cheek with his sleeve.

I shook my head "Guys, he's not jealous. He is just not good with emotions, he loses control sometimes." The mood lightened once the subject changed, we moved onto John Paul, school work, basketball and the Xfactor. 

I excused myself from my friends and headed down a small corridor that led to the restrooms. The restrooms displayed a tacky theme with a clash of bright pink and bright orange sprawled across the walls, floors and cubicles. The faucets were golden and looked really old as I turned one the water splattered filling the room with a flatulence sound due to air trapped in the pipes. 

The door opened and I automatically raised my head to see Liam. He locked the door behind him trapping us both alone in the girls bathroom. Blue eyes like a cloudless day looked back at me, so sure of himself but the tell tale sign of him rubbing the back of his neck exposed all of his secrets. 

"This is why you've been acting funny these past couple of days, isn't it?"

I nodded, unable to give anymore than that. He sighed, stepping closer to me. "Liv, don't sit on stupid rumors. Just come and ask me." He seemed slightly annoyed and I started feeling like I was a small child getting told off. 

"It's not a rumor, you just admitted it." I found my voice, even if it wasn't as loud or as confident as I liked.

 "Yeah, I admitted to the bet. You were never part of that. How could you even question that?"

I bit into my bottom lip, pulling my eyes away from his excruciating stare. I think he's a little hurt from my accusation. I could sense him moving closer to me by the way my body reacted. Yearning for him to close the gap like there was a magnetic pull between us. 

"I've lost control in many ways drunk too much, taken too many drugs, smashed things, caused fights, had meltdowns that overwhelm me with sadness but I've never lost control with a girl, until now." he inched himself closer and placed his hands on my shoulders. 

"I tried so hard to stay away from you but I failed. I tried so hard not to kiss you, but I failed that too. Then it happened again and every time I let it happen I just get so mad with myself for losing control." 

I looked deeply into his blue eyes, ringed with complete sincerity but I remained mute, taking in everything that he has to say. 

 "You're different from the other girls. You expect more than just sex and I fully understand that but I can't offer it." His voice lowered, blue eyes faded to silver and shined under the cheap fluorescents.

"I can't handle that closeness. That intimacy." He whispered.

He got a little tense waiting for me to reply but I couldn't find the words. He had given me so much to take in. So he started rambling his words.

"The bet... it was stupid. Yeah I agreed to it at first I don't know who I planned on bringing to the lock in, probably Pam she's a bit of a weirdo but she isn't shy to getting her leg over - or so I've heard. It was never, ever meant to be you. Nobody bet on you. Even if you were up for it, I couldn't do it. Besides you know enough about me to ruin me if I dared mess with you." He shot me a unsure smile but silence stretched thin between us. "Can you please just say something?" He finally blurted out. 

 "You took my milkshake." 

 A boyish smile stretched widely across his lips showing all of his sparkling teeth. My favorite of Liams smiles. His eyes came alive with mischief instantly removing all of the tenseness out of the air.

"I don't even like strawberry milkshake" he laughed.

"I don't even like strawberry milkshake" he laughed

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BAD BOY ABUSED (female pov read first)Where stories live. Discover now