Question #1

350 3 12

I haven't been updating this book and I'm really sorry. I don't think the book I recommended before this would make up for it so I want to try something fun and it's something for me to interact with my readers more.

When's your birthday? Send it through the comment section and hopefully, you would find your birthday twin! (I have a bit of a surprise for all of you so please don't let this flop! Thank you!!)

Once again, I'm asking for fanfic recommendations from the hyung line. It would mean a lot. Some of you had recommended to me and not only were all your recommendations nice, I also met really nice people which is something I barely get to experience in here. Please don't be shy. I'm shy as well but I hope you would have a bit of courage to tell me your recommendations. I'll surely read them.

BTS Fanfic Recommendations || By: chimcloudsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant