1. After the kiss

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Hey guys, I am not a professional writer and I would love some tips. A note* English is not my native language so if you see some mistakes I would be happy if you guys let me know, because I really want to improve my English skills.

Aang and Katara finaly pulled away when sokka walked in on them kissing. Aang looked embarassed away and Katara was really mad at her brother, who totally ruined the moment. Sokka said: 'you are giving me the oogies'. Katara got even more mad because of his immature behavior. Before Katara could say anything, Aang asked Sokka why he came to them. 'We are invited for a dinner at the southern water tribes palace'. Katara looked confused. 'Hold up, does the soutern water tribe has a palace, the last time I checked it didn't'. 'Yes' answered Sokka 'Grand-Pakku is building a whole empire there, it looks like in the nothern watertribe. Aang interferred: 'So actually you guys are royals now?'. Sokka looked shocked for a moment and then started dancing: 'you know what that means right, unlimited meat guys'. Katara rolled her eyes and went to her bedroom.

'Get up Katara!' Katara looked up and saw Sokka hanging above her. 'You look really... uh fresh today, didnt know that monsters could look this fresh'. 'Thank you very much Sokka' Katara said. 'No problem sis'. Sokka said laughing as he walked out of Katara's room. Everybody was already at the table waiting for Katara to arrive when she walked in the dining room.
'So, Zuko and I are leaving today to go to the fire nation and Mai ofcourse, what are your plans?' Aksed Iroh to Sokka. 'Uhm you forgot to put dear majesty infront of your- Katara cut Sokka off and said:' we will be returning to the southern watertribe soon, and we are apparently the prince and the princess of the southern watertribe because of master Pakku' 'Wow' Zuko said,' that is a big plot twist' Sokka coughed: *cough* majesty *cough*. Katara sighed while she looked at her brother and said: ' go fuck yourself' 'I would prefer fucking Suki' Sokka said. Suki, who was also sitting at the table chocked on her food and turned red while everybody laughed.

After Katara packed her supplies, she walked to the balcony where she and Aang kissed the evening before. She stared at the view and didnt notice someone standing next to her. She was shocked when she heard a voice saying 'Hi' and in a relfex she slapped the person across the face. When she opened her eyes again she saw Aang holding his cheek. 'I'm so sorry, this wasn't my intention. Well actually it was but I didn't expect you to be standing next to me. Are you okay?
'Yeah it doesnt matter' Aang said. Katara saw that there was something wrong about the way Aang spoke to her. 'What do you want to tell me, Aang?'. 'Well, I am really sorry but I can't come with you to the southpole. Zuko needs me to retain peace in the fire nation, because there will be alot of people who still support Ozai and we need to stop them from gattering' Katara's face saddend. She turned her head while tears were filling her eyes. 'I am so sorry' Aang continued ' I hope you will wait for me till I come back' Aang turned around and walked to the house but before he reached the house Katara grabbed his arm, turned him around and pulled him in a passionate kiss. After a while they pulled away. Katara said: 'Ofcourse I will wait for you, its is not your fault that you are the avatar and you are just doing your job. Just remeber that I love you' 'I love you too'

The next day Aang got Appa ready to fly to the fire nation with Iroh and Zuko. 'Bye guys, take care and drink tea' said Iroh. Aang was still hugging Katara. Zuko got impatient and said: 'Aang come on we have got to go'. Aang kissed Katara one last time, while Sokka looked disgusted and Toph and Suki cheered, and climbed on Appa. 'Appa, yip yip'. And there they flew, to the horizon.

I hope you like it so far. As I said please leave some tips or other comments! I will make the next part this week. If you have any suggestions please leave them!! I love you, bye

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