Chapter 2

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Hey guys and gals! I'm soooooo tired right now but if I don't post this chapter I'm gonna go crazy so here it is. FYI the girls are singing Walk On Water Or Drown by Mayday Parade and the picture is of Abby's bestfriend Hanae....PEACE OUT!!!!!


"Attention all passengers this is your captain speaking. We are experiencing some slight turbulence so could all passengers please buckle their seatbelts, thank you." Says the voice of the captain from above us. I grip Marc's hand as the cabin shakes violently. "It's ok baby," he whispers in my ear. "Only an hour to go and we'll be home." He squeezes my hand gently. "I hate flying," I mutter and he laughs. Another violent shudder rocks the plane and somewhere I hear an alarm go off. I look out the window at the wing and gasp. The wing is on fire! THE WING IS ON FIRE!

"Marcus?" I say nervously. "What?" I point silently out the window at the wing and I hear him swear under his breath. "Abby," he says as calmly as possible. "Whatever happens I want you to know that I love you ok?" Tears run silently down my face, "Don't talk like that Marc. We- We're going to be fine." "Attention all passengers this is your captain speaking. We're going to have to make an emergency landing, please remain calm." I hear the shock in people's voices as they realize what's about to happen, that we're going to crash. "Oh Henry!" my mother begins to sob into my father's shirt and he holds her close, exactly the way Marc is holding me now. "It's going to be ok, love. We're all going to ok, right Daniel?" he says addressing Marc's father. "Of course we are! It's probably just a precaution." He's trying to soothe his sobbing wife too.

I look into Marc's beautiful hazel eyes and run my free hand through his blonde hair. "I love you Marc," I whisper as I feel the plane start to slope downward faster and faster. "I love you too Abby." He wraps his arms around me and pushes me down onto the seat so that he is lying over me protectively. I bury my head in his shirt. Please let us live. Please.

 Marc and I survive the crash and make it out just before the plane explodes. How we made it out I don't remember, but when I look around for our parents and realize that they're not here, I look back at the plane disbelievingly. "No!" my scream pierces the silent night air like a foghorn. I run back to the wreckage, falling every couple of steps but always find the strength to push myself up again.

Marc stumbles along beside me, obviously trying to reach his parents too. We force our way in and I locate my parents through the smoke and flames. "Mum! Dad!" They're not moving! They're not moving! I unbuckle their belts and hopelessly attempt to pull them out. Marc gently pushes me aside and slings them both over a shoulder along with his parents as if they weigh nothing. We run until we're a safe distance away from the burning wreck. He places my parents, then his, gently on the ground and I collapse to the ground beside them. "Mum? Dad?" I sob. "Please. Please!"  Their chests fail to rise or fall. Marc wraps his arms around me and I cry hysterically into his shirt.


I wake with a start and try to control my racing heart. "You had that dream again didn't you?" Hanae asks stretching. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head. "Suit yourself." she says getting up and turning the CD player on. The familiar song floats through the room, And everybody knows this is the part, of breaking down in anybody's arms. I smile, I love Mayday Parade. "Turn it up!" I shout jumping off my bunk.

Hanae sighs and reluctantly turns it up. I dance around the room and she laughs. I'm reaching down hoping this one's ours, God, please let this stay. The others wake up after the first chorus and smile when they see me singing along, "And you got here just in time to let me know that I was worth saving!" It's not until the next chorus that we all belt out the lyrics, "And then I fell into pieces and she fell into me! Saying, play me a song it's been too long since I've heard you sing!"

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