It was fun<3

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~I opened my eyes and saw Leon's eyes.


Leon:Oh yeah sorry.

~He let me stand up.

Vio:Thanks again..

Leon:No problem..

Vio:Uhm see you tomorrow.

~I said fast and ran to home.
The next day in the studio.



Vio:I forgot to give you're jacket.

Leon:Oh thanks.

~Diego walked in and looked upset.
He just ignored me so i followed him.



Vio:Whats wrong?


Vio:Does it goes about yesterday?



Diego:I came to you're house especially for you....and you just leave..

Vio:It was very important..

Diego:Then what did he say?

Vio:Uhm...i can't say that...

Diego:Of course..

~Diego took a sit far away from me and the lesson started.

Angie:Hello everyone welcome back in this new school year again and probably also the last.


Angie:So we're giving a musical!

Fran:What does it goes about?

Ludmila:a superstar named Ludmila.

Naty:Of course and i'm Beyonce.

~Everyone started to laugh.

Angie:It goes about two people who love each other but can't be together because there's always someone standing between them.

~I looked at Leon he saw how i starred so i looked fast back to Angie.

Angie:So the two people with the biggest roll are....


Angie:Violetta and Leon!



~We hugged.

Angie:More i don't have to stay you all can go except Violetta and Leon.

~Leon and i walked to Angie.

Angie:So uhm on the end you guys have to kiss.


Angie:It's just a stage kiss.
You guys can practice it.


Angie:I'm just joking,you don't have to be tense.

~She leaves.

Vio:What if Lara sees is?

Leon:What if Diego sees it?

Vio:How do you mean Diego?


Vio:Do you think that
Diego is my boyfriend?

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