Can i go to Madrid?

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~1 week later,the day of the competition.


Vio:Aha Leon,good to see you!

~I hugged him and he hugged me back.

Vio:I'm really nervous,what if i pass out,or the worst if i fall or something.
What if i forget something!-

Leon:Violetta you don't need to be nervous-

Ludmi:Why doesn't she need to be nervous,i and Maxi are defiantly going to win this.

Vio:Why are you so sure?

Ludmila:You will see,everything can happen.

~She leaves.

Leon:She only wants to scare you.

Vio:Well then she did a good job..

Leon:How do you mean?

Vio:I don't want to dance!

Leon:What Violetta?!But you have to.

Vio:I'm scared...

~I was still talking about the worst thing that could happen and then he kissed me on my cheek.

Vio:Wh..what was that?

Leon:Just to calm you.
Now you have something other to think about.

Vio:Thats true,Leon you're the best.

Leon:I know,just joking.

Vio:Okay it's our turn.

Leon:Just enjoy the moment.

~After the dance everyone applauded.

Vio:We did it!

~I said still staring in his eyes.

Leon:And you was amazing!

Vio:Thanks you to!

~After all the dances from the duos.

Marroti:Now finally it's time!
Here i have the envelope with the votes.So this is how it goes,the two duos that has the most votes go to Madrid and give there a big performance,but can also join of the state.So the duo on place 2 are......

Marroti:Francesca and Diego!

~Everyone clapped for them.

Marroti:And now the duo with the most votes of everyone is............:

Violetta and Leon!!

~We hugged.

Leon:We're going to Madrid!

Vio:Yes!Can't believe this!

Ludmila:Me to!There's something wrong with the votes!You guys are all LIARS!I'm the star!I need to go to Madrid!


~Everyone was in shock.


~She leaves.Ludmila follows her.

Cami:Did you guys saw that!the first time and probably the last time that
it's Naty vs Ludmila!

Maxi:Yeah it's weird huh?

Vio:I'm going home,see you guys tomorrow.

Leon:I'll come with you,my house is the same way.

Diego:I can come with you to.

Vio:Thanks Diego but Leon is enough
And then you'll get late home.

Diego:Yeah...that's..true but i'll call you.

~Leon and i leave the studio.
On my way to home Lara comes.


Leon:Hey,Lara.What are you doing here?

Lara:I just wanted to say congratulations.


Vio:I'm going.

~They we're so buzzy with talking that he didn't even noticed that i left.
I entered my house.


Vio:Hey,dad.Can I ask you something?

Dad:Yeah of course.

Vio:Let's sit,so i wanted to ask if can go to Madrid.

Dad:Sorry what i taught you said
"If you could go to Madrid"

Vio:Yeah that's what i said.


Vio:To fast?

Dad:To fast.

Vio:Okay i'll explain.Leon,Diego,Francesca and i won a dance competition and now we can go to Madrid to give a big performance.So can i go?

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