Secret Letters Part 3

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Dear Jayla,

Oh la la. A boy:) A rich boy. Girl you know how to pick em. Haha. No problem, things haven't happened much here. Same thing, though Sebastian actually left his house. I had to force him out to dinner last night. He doesn't go anywhere but school. But no prob. I'm glad you're taking my advice. Hmm. I so totally bet you're gonna fall for this guy. If you say he's like Sebastian, then you most likely will. Oh Sebastian will be broken. Don't worry I'll take care of him. Oh and that reminds me, I ran into the Blake boy and he seems a little sad as well. Girl i don't know what you did to make these guys fall for you but dang you got them sprung. Buahaha. Well I need to go. Future hubby is hungry. Remember a way to make your man happy is through his belly.:). Take care and visit soon!

XOXO- Scarlet:)

I read Scarlet's email when I woke up. It made me sad that Sebastian was moping around. I really did wish he would be happy again, like how he was before he met me.

Scarlet was wrong, I wasn't going to fall for Landon because he reminded me of Sebastian. It just made me put a higher guard up to protect myself. I had to make it clear that we were gonna stay friends and nothing more. Sighing, I got off the bed and got dressed to exercise. I slipped on a loose shirt and soffee shorts. I googled the nearest Starbuck and lucky me, there was one close to the school. I would get a coffee then head to the school's gym to exercise. I tied up my hair at the top of my head, some strands escaping. I slipped on my running shoes and wore Landon's Red Raybans. I really did like them.

I walked out of the dorms. There was a homeless man sitting on the bench outside the dorms, reading a newspaper. It was a bit strange to see a homeless man on campus. He wore dirty, torn jeans, a ragged shirt and a faded baseball cap. I passed by the man. I inched closer to the man. He looked familiar.

"I see you're fond of those glasses" he said. "Landon?" I smiled. "what in the world are you doing?" I said as he put the newspaper down. "I'm reading the paper Jayla. Duh." he smiled. I scowled at him. "I mean why are you dressed like that?" I said, sitting next to him on the bench. He neatly folded the paper and looked at his attire. "oh just my Sunday tradition." he smiled. "you dress in ragged clothes every Sunday?" I said. "no I don't. This is to show you I'm not ostentatious." he said. I shook my head. "a shirt and shorts would have done" I said. He sighed. "I'll be back." he stood. "where are you going?" I said. "I had a feeling you were gonna suggest a shirt and shorts. I'm gonna change real fast." he said. I watched as he scurried away.

Ten minutes later, Landon walked toward me. His hair wasn't styled in the front, it was nice and tousled. He wore a plain gray shirt, plaid shorts, and flip flops. He smiled and sat next to me.

"better?" he said. "yea.much better." I said. "so what are you up to today?" he asked, smiling. He eyed my exercise clothes. "I'm gonna go get some coffee then go for a run. Want to join me?" I asked. He smiled. "sure. I just have to buy some shoes." he said. He stood up and I followed. "Starbucks?" he asked as we walked. "yes sir." I said. "sweet. There's a small outlet mall there." he said.

We walked a block to the outlet mall, talking the whole time. It was easy talking to Landon. There was no awkward air between us. He asked me about my family and my plans for the future. He even tried to make me laugh with jokes.

We finally made it to Starbucks. I ordered my mocha and Landon ordered a iced coffee. I immediately handed the cashier my card so Landon wouldn't pay. He scowled at me. I just smiled.

"get used to it Blondie." I said as we waited for our drinks. "you won't get me next time. I'll be faster." he said. "uh huh." I just smiled.

After ordering our drinks, we went to Champs and Landon bought a pair of running shoes and socks. We then walked to the school gym.

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