Lev x Yaku

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"Yaku...where's Lev?"

Yaku turns his around to see his Captain, Kuroo, carrying a volleyball in one hand and Kenma their Setter, in his other arm. Kenma isn't fazed as he continues to play his PsP.

"How should I know?" Yaku shrugs, continuing to do his stretches from the ground.

"He never leaves your side," Kuroo laughs. "It's always 'Yaku-san this and Yaku-san that'...I'm honestly surprised that he's not attached to your hip."

"What...it's not that bad," Yaku rolled his eyes. "He's probably just in the bathroom..."

"Wanna make a bet?" Kuroo wiggles his eyebrows.

"Not really..." Yaku laughs.


"Speak of the idiot," Yaku smiles, as the tall first year opens the gym door.

Lev runs up, panting and hunched over, his hands on his knees.

"Sorry...I was...in the bathroom..." Lev laughs, standing upright.

"Are you Psychic, Yaku?" Kenma asks, raising his head.

"What? No..." Yaku laughs.

"It must be your Lev radar," Kuroo smiles.

"That's not a real thing," Yaku sighs, standing up from doing his stretches.

"With how much you watch him, it should be...Ouch!" Kuroo drops the volleyball he was holding and luckily not Kenma, as Yaku kicks his shin. "Shit Yaku...that hurt."

"Eh...what are you guys talking about?" Lev's emerald eyes light up with curiosity.

"Yaku's sixth sense," Kuroo smiles.

"Shut up," Yaku glares at Kuroo, nudging the younger man away from the toxicity of their idiot Captain. "Just ignore Kuroo and let's go practice your receives."

"Okay Yaku-san!" Lev smiles, following behind his senpai.
After practice Lev volunteered to help Yaku with clean up. He whistled as he picked up all the stragglers and tossed them into the bin.

He seems to be happy, Yaku smiled. Maybe it's because it's Friday and we don't have school tomorrow, only practice.

"Yaku-san...I'm done!" Lev runs up to him, almost crashing into him. "Can we go get meat buns now?"

"Sure," Yaku laughs.

"Yay...come on," Lev reaches down and grabs Yaku's hand, dragging him out of the gym.

They get to the corner store and order two meat buns each, then take them outside and sit down at the nearest park bench.

"You're in a good mood today," Yaku smiles, taking a bite.

"Of course I am..." Lev laughs. "Practice was a lot of fun today and I got to spend time with you. And tomorrow after practice we are going to see that movie I wanted to see."

Oh yeah...I forgot about the movie, Yaku blushed.

Last weekend Lev had asked Yaku to go see a new Sci-fi movie with him and Yaku had said he'd go, if Lev improved his receives this week, which he did.

"I'm really excited about our date," Lev smiles taking a gig bite of his bun.

"Yeah, me too-" Wait...did he just say date?

Yaku whips his head around to look at Lev, happily wearing his meat bun. Had Lev actually asked him out-out? Or was he just calling it a date?

Yaku took a big gulp and set his 2nd bun down on his lap, he turned to Lev.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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