Bokuto x Akaashi

513 20 19

10 years after
High School

"Bokuto-san?" Akaashi sets down his coffee cup on the coffee table and looks over at his roommate who is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

"Yeah, Akaashi?" The older male pops his head around the corner of the pillar, his hair still damp from his shower neatly laying flat instead of spiking up.

"Why didn't you tell me we were dating?" Akaashi asks, holding up his phone.

"Whaaat?!" Bokuto runs out to the livingroom, grabbing Akaashi's hands that are holding his phone, pulling the phone closer.

"Black Jackels Ace, Koutaro Bokuto, congratulates his fellow teammate Shoyo Hinata on his recent marriage to Schweiden Alder's Tobio Kageyama. The young couple met back in middle school and have been supported by their friends since they announced their relationship in high school.

Bokuto's and his boyfriend, Keiji Akaashi, a Manga Editor for A Big Manga Company, have been together for over ten years and hope to announce their wedding plans later this year..."

Bokuto's face turns red, as he finishes the end of the article. He can't believe the reporter actually wrote down what he said to Hinata. The interview was already over at that point and Hinata asked how things were with Akaashi. It was only his wishful thinking, just something he said every time Hinata asked.

He knew that there wasn't any way Akaashi liked him enough to actually date him, let alone marry him. He had been dealing with this long standing crush since he graduated high school.

Akaashi never showed any interest in dating, so Bokuto had no choice but to hold back his feelings. He'd rather keep Akaashi in his life as his bestfriend, then loose him because of his feelings.

"I am so sorry, Akaashi..." Bokuto finally managed to say, looking at his bestfriend.

"It's alright," Akaashi smiles, as he stares at the facial expressions that his bestfriend was making.

Bokuto was always loud and hardly ever thought things through before saying them out loud, so it honestly wasn't that big of a surprise that something like this had happened. If it had been anyone else, Akaashi wouldn't have even given it a second thought, because he didn't think about romantic relationships.

But this was Bokuto...the only person in the world that brought out every emotion Akaashi held. Angry, frustration, happiness, sadness, etc. Until they had met, Akaashi had never wanted to experience any of these emotions, he didnt see the point.

Bokuto's embarrassed face was rather cute, it made Akaashi smile.

Bokuto loved it when Akaashi smiled, it was a rare sight. "...cute..." he whispers, covering his mouth quickly.

"What was that, Bokuto-san?" Akaashi leans to the left smiling, fully aware of what he said.

"N-nothing," Bokuto laughs nervously, letting go of Akaashi's hands. "I should prob-...what's that smell?"

"You're burning breakfast," Akaashi sighs, standing up.

"Ahhhhh...." Bokuto runs back to the kitchen to pull the pan off the stove, frantically airing out the kitchen. "I'm sorry, Akkaaashi..."

"It's fine," he sets his coffee cup down on the counter. "Let's go out for breakfast."

"R-really?" Bokuto's eyes widened and his smile returned.

"We finally have a day off together," he smiles, walking away, but stops at his bedroom to look back at Bokuto. "And we can celebrate our engagement."

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