Chapter 12

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Kennedy thought she fucked up. First she had a panic attack in the middle of their dinner. Which was the most embarrassing thing she has ever experienced. After she calmed down, her anxiety kicked in hardcore and she bolted out of Quinn's house.

Since then she has ignored everyone and isolated herself on her apartment. The first 3 days she just sat in the dark listening to her phone buzz repeatedly, until she finally took it off the charger and waited for it to die.

Rose showed up at her apartment on the 4th day. She wasn't going to let her in but she knew the girl would bust down her door if she didn't.

"Why the hell haven't you been answering your phone, you missed 3 recording sessions and a meeting with your publicist", Rose said barging in.

"What happened? I thought everything was going fine, I-", Rose stopped herself when she finally looked at Kennedy.

She was very pale from spending all day in a dark room. Her eyes her puffy and red from the amount of crying she had done, and she had deep bags from all her sleepless nights.

"What happened, hon?", Rose said in a softer tone.

"I had a panic attack at her house", Kennedy said shuffling over to the couch.

"Oh honey, why? Was it something she did?", Rose said following her.

"No, she was perfect. She- she just", Kennedy started getting choked up thinking about the situation again. Because it alway lead to her thinking about her mom, and that was something she thoroughly suppressed.

Kennedy shook her head violently, as if that would get the thoughts out of her head.

"Okay, it's okay, you don't have to tell me", Rose said wrapping her arms around Kennedy.

"I feel so bad, I just left. And I know she's called me but I can't face her. I can't face anyone, I'm such a coward", Kennedy said between sobs.

"Ken you guys are soulmates, I'm sure she understands. Especially if it's something that hurt you this much", Rose tried to reassure Kennedy. She knew she was in a vulnerable place and she needed to figure out a way to help her before she did something bad. Even if Rose kept an eye on her 24/7 nothing could stop Kennedy when she was in her zone.

"I have to go do something, but I will be back. Okay?" Rose said sweetly. Kennedy nodded and with that response she left. She had a name, so all she needed at this point was an address.

"Hey Charlie, I need you to get an address", Rose requested.

"Um, hi?"

"Hello, you don't know me. My name is Rose Gardner, I'm Kennedy's Assistant"

"Wow, your parents have quite the sense of humor"

"Yeah I'm just glad they didn't name me violet or lily"

"Yes I like Rose better too, I'm Quinn"

"I know, Kennedy talks about you extensively", Rose replied while going through her phone. She had Kennedy's locations on and wanted to make sure she was still home.

"Which is the reason why I'm here. She's in a bit of a slump and I haven't seen her this bad for a while"

Quinn nodded, walking back inside while leaving the door open. Rose was confused until she returned with shoes on and keys in her hand.

"Let's go", Quinn said.

"Wait? If you knew that's what I was asking, why haven't you visited her yet?", Rose replied not moving her spot.

"I wanted her to tell me to come. I feel like I brought up something bad and I know what that feels like. I just didn't want to intrude on any healing she was going through" Quinn replied.

"It's good she has friends like you, but the way we are together... sometimes my presence amplifies unwanted thoughts", Quinn continued.

"Omg! I knew I liked you", Rose said hugging Quinn. Quinn chuckled as she returned the gesture.

"Don't worry, by the way she was talking, I know she wants you there. She's just too afraid to say anything because-"

"She's thinks she messed up, I know", Quinn interrupted, "let's just go".

Quinn walked around Rose and started towards her car parked in her driveway.

"Wait, let's take my car. It'll give you an excuse not to leave", Rose called out.

Quinn nodded walking towards Rose's car. She noticed how clean the inside was as she climbed in. Like Rose had just gotten it detailed that day.

"So there's some things I want to brief you on before we get there", Rose said as they were leaving Quinn's neighborhood.

"There are things I won't say because I'm sure Kennedy would rather tell you herself, but she's been through a lot. I mean hardcore shit".

Quinn nodded, choosing to remain silent to let Rose get everything out.

"She's been hurt by everyone she's ever loved, and she has a very tortured past. Her career was happenstance, she is very out of place in this industry. That in itself puts a lot of pressure on her, on top of her past trauma", Rose said sighing loudly before continuing.

"What I'm trying to say is, just be patient. She trust you and that is a very obsolete trait for her. She will tell you what she's been through, and I promise once she opens up, you'll see more of her beauty that she's buried out of fear"

Quinn looked at Rose intently as she stared at the road.

"You love her, don't you?", Quinn asked.

"More than anyone in this goddamn world", Rose replied gripping the steering wheel, "but definitely not in the way you do. She's my best friend, and my idol. I have never met anyone stronger than her.

Rose parked before looking at Quinn with fire in her eyes.

"Don't break her heart Quinn", Rose said before promptly exiting the car.

The two shared a silent trip in the elevator. It wasn't awkward, they had a mutual understanding and like for each other.

Quinn admires Rose's honestly and ambitions. She liked the way she faced everything head on and full force, like a bull. Rose was not only cautious and calculated but she was determined and unable to be persuaded.

Rose admired Quinn's sensitivity, she could tell the woman already knew everything about her by just looking at her. That was a trait they shared, intuition is always claimed but few really possess the policies to read people accurately and continuously.

Rose liked the fact that she saw Kennedy with just as much admiration as she did. They both loved her truly and they were gonna be the support team Kennedy desperately needed.

"This is her apartment. Just knock, she'll probably think it's me so she'll open. Show her you love her, that's all she needs right now", Rose said, heading back to the elevator.

Quinn smiled in the direction Rose left in. She was happy to know Kennedy had someone like her. She was also happy to know she didn't have any competition with her. She's definitely would fight for Kennedy but even she had to admit Rose was a catch.

Quinn took in a deep breath, suddenly feeling the heaviness coming from Kennedy's apartment. The energy was definitely dark and eerie, she knew she had to act fast because Kennedy was as slipping.


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