Yuuri looked a bit overwhelmed, but nodded at Viktor's speech. He leaned closer to the Russian, who quickly welcomed him between his arms. It was getting more and more common to held his lover like this, in such a protective yet comforting manner.

"Thank you..." Yuuri said, his voice weak but full of emotion. "Thank you, thank you so much for being so understanding."

Viktor nodded, giving a last glance to Yuuri's box. It saddened him that Yuuri had so little in it, not even covering half of the mental list of items Viktor had made in his head after his research.

He had something to do.


It had been three days since Yuuri had shown Viktor his little box. Today the boy had arrived home earlier than usual. He had no ballet practice today, so he went directly from college to the apartment, looking very forward to spend the rest of his day relaxing and doing absolutely nothing.

And at first, everything was going as planned. Yuuri was wearing now his blue pajama bottoms with one of Viktor's bigger sweaters on top. He had heated a cup of tea and he was about to put a series on Netflix when someone rang the bell.

Makka started to bark as if her life depended on it, but he just stood in the middle of the hall, looking confused at the front door.

Viktor was still working, and Yuuri wasn't expecting anybody.

He padded down the hall, slightly confused with all of this. The boy took a peek through peephole, only to see what looked without a doubt like a delivery man.

Yuuri opened the door, a bit hesitantly. The delivery man wore a dark blue hat that darkened his eyes, and he looked like he was built like a damn wardrobe. His bored face morphed into something else as he saw Yuuri's head peeking through the door.

"A delivery for Mr. Nikiforov." he said, dropping the huge package he had been carrying just in front of the black haired boy. "Please, sign there." the man handed him a pen.

Yuuri was about to reply that he wasn't Viktor, but then the delivery man would have to take the box back and it would return who knows when. He grabbed the pen the man offered him and signed as Mr. Nikiforov.

He would tell Viktor later about all of this.

The man nodded, grabbing the paper with Yuuri's signature and then he turned around to leave.

Yuuri glanced down at the big box on his feet. It was quite enormous, if someone asked him. The boy wondered what could Viktor had possibly ordered. He never mentioned him anything, at least.

He sighed, and then he picked the box from the floor and he entered it in the apartment. Yuuri decided to leave it next to the couch, so it wasn't blocking the way. He proceeded to text Viktor then.

ME: A huge box arrived today.

ME: I signed as you, I hope you don't care :)

ME: Seriously, this thing is way too big. What have you ordered?

The replies didn't get too long to arrive. Yuuri was reading them while he sat comfortably on the couch, with Makka resting her head on his lap.

VITYA: It's a surprise, so don't open it until I arrive home!

What followed next was a very long text full of heart emojis that made Yuuri smile fondly. He texted a big pink heart back and then he proceeded to continue with his previous plan of watching some TV show.

Viktor arrived home two hours later, looking slightly tired. His blue eyes looked like they were about to close from exhaustion, and his shoulders drew a sad curve that had nothing to do with Viktor's usual prideful stance.

However, his whole face seemed to light up as soon as he saw the box next to the couch.

"I see you haven't opened it yet." He commented, sitting next to Yuuri and circling his waist with one arm.

"Of course I haven't." Yuuri's reply came with a mock offended tone. "You asked me to wait until you came. I wouldn't ignore that request."

Viktor smiled, and then he grabbed the box as if it weighted nothing and put it on the tea table. His beautiful eyes were looking at Yuuri expectantly, almost pleading like a puppy to open it.

So that's what Yuuri did. He was careful while he tore the red wrapping paper off. Feeling intrigued, he opened the box slowly, not prepared for what he found.

Coloring books, onesies, crayons, stuffies, and even some soft blocks for him to play with; all carefully placed.

"Vitya~" Yuuri whined, feeling how his face got red in a matter of seconds. "Oh my, this is a lot!"

Viktor chuckled, looking way too pleased with all of this. And that wasn't helping, at all. He felt bad because Viktor must had spent a lot of money getting him little supplies.

"I wanted to buy you more toys and regression items, since you have so little in that box of yours." he explained, making Yuuri to sit on his lap. "I guess I couldn't control myself, but everything was just so cute!"

Yuuri felt a warm feeling spreading in his chest. Viktor was too caring and way too good, he sometimes thought he didn't deserve him. Not only he had accepted his little side, but he seemed encouraging and very willing to play the caregiver role.

His thoughts of his wonderful lover were interrupted when Yuuri saw a chick plushie inside the box. It was undeniably cute, with its full pink cheekies and the tiny peak. Yuuri wanted to hold it so badly...

Without noticing, Yuuri whined, staring at the plushie with delirium.

"What' wrong, love?" Viktor asked, his voice not concerned but curious nonetheless. He followed the boy's gaze, still fixed on the stuffie, and then a soft smile drew on his lips. "Oh, do you want the chick, baby? Is that so?"

Yuuri nodded, feeling the blush spreading on his face too quickly. Viktor was so good at this, and they hadn't even started their caregiver-little dynamic yet...

The silver haired man brought the box closer to them, so Yuuri had the stuffie within reach now. The cute chick looked up at him and the boy hugged it tightly.

"Now Yuuri, does your new friend have a name?" Viktor asked him, his voice gentle an low, almost not higher than a whisper.

Yuuri studied the stuffie with great concentration, because he really wanted to give the cute chick the best name ever. After a few seconds, he had found it. "Mimi!" he giggled, sinking his face on the soft toy.

Viktor chuckled next to him. "That's a really lovely name, baby."

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