Chapter Forty-Three: Meetings

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Isla of Sussex 

January 7th, 2015 

 I walked beside Harry as we walked into Kenstington Palace for our meeting with our team. Her Majesty had just called us this morning and had told us she wanted us to go on a two week tour of Luxembourg at the beginning of next month. 

With less than a month to plan we now our team would be scrambling to put everything together. 

As Harry opened the door to the board room I froze as I saw the mess. 

"Your Highnesses!" Alex said once he saw us and I smiled softly as I lifted my hand to wave. 

"Hello Alex. Hello everyone." I said as the rest of the team stopped what they were doing to turn to us. 

"We just wanted to check in to see if we could help you with anything at all. But now I think us wanting to help would get in the way." Harry said as Sarah stood up with our other lead Micheal. 

"It would, if we are being honest. But Micheal here will go with you to the conference room across the hall to discuss everything with you." Sarah said and I nodded as I dragged Harry out of the room and across the hall with Micheal following us. 

"How are you doing Isla? How far along are you now?" Micheal asked as the three of us sat down. 

"I'm doing well thank you! Right now I am about five-ish months along. This little one is growing faster than Diana did." 

"I hope it's twins. A surprise. Anyways, Her Majesty has requested that you two arrive of the third around midday so that when you arrive at the castle you may attend lunch with the Luxembourg Royal Family." He began as he opened his iPad. 

"You will be staying from the third until the seventeenth. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie has already requested that you attend multiple events with her but as you are pregnant we do not want to over work you." He added and Harry smiled softly. 

"This will be the first tour in a very long time. As Her Majesty has told us multiple times, no pressure." 

"There really is pressure." Harry muttered and I elbowed him to be quiet. 

"After the tour you have about two weeks off. Then it is the normal events for your patrons as well as any events passed over from either Her Majesty or the Duke of Edniburgh. Crown Princess Victoria has invited you guys for a week holiday is Spain. We told her people we would reach out to her after this tour." 

"Micheal please relax. Do not overwork yourself. The entire tour does not need to be documented every step of the way. We can work on things day to day." I said and he sent me a small smile. 

"Our meeting today was to go over your first half of the year and I feel as if I am failing horribly. But I do have one question." 

"Ask away friend." 

"When do you plan on taking your maternity leave? We have to document it so that we know when to tell your patrons of your last engagement with them." He stated and I stared at him for a moment before looking at Harry. 

"I am due around the middle of June. So I believe I would take it at the end of May. Diana was overdue and I am pretty sure this baby will be as well." I stated and Micheal nodded as he typed away on his iPad. 

"Alright! And Harry, are you taking the exact same time off or shorter?" 

"Isla is taking the normal four to five months off so I will be taking three. I know their is certain engagements we have to be apart of so unless it are those engagements then we will both be on maternity and paternity leave." Harry stated and I smiled as I felt the baby kick and my hand flew to my belly. 

Before anyone could say anything my phone began ringing and I quickly grabbed it to see if it was Alice. It wasn't, it was my mother. 

"Excuse me." I said as I stood up and stepped out of the room and into the hallway. I pressed answer and slid the phone to my ear. 


"Isla! I'm sorry, are you done with the meeting yet?" 

"No mami. Not yet. Is something wrong?" I asked thinking of my brother who I have not heard from since I threw him out of the new years eve party. 

"Maddy and your brother broke up again. She is staying with me as well as Theo. But she has news to share." 

"Please don't tell me she is pregnant again." I whispered as I looked around to make sure no one was in the hallway with me. 

"She is. We must be happy for her but that is not the problem. She does not know if your brother or Ricky is the father. Now we know this would not be good for you being a Duchess and how horrid the press is." Mum began and I frowned softly. 

"Um, why don't both of you come over in a couple of days to help me back for my Luxembourg tour and we can speak more of it there. I have to get back to the meeting." I said before I ended the phone call and turned and walked back into the room. 

Harry looked up when he saw me and he saw the look on my face and sighed softly. 

"Is there anything else Micheal?" Harry asked and Micheal shook his head as he stood up and gathered his things. 

"Not at all. We have everything and will send briefs to both of your assistants. Have a good day your highnesses." He said as he bowed his head. He walked out of the room and once the door closed Harry turned to me. 

"What happened with your mother?" 

"Maddy is pregnant. But she is not sure who the father is." 


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