Chapter Forty-Five: New Patrons

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Isla of Sussex

January 30th, 2015 

I stepped out of the car and sighed softly as I looked towards Buckingham Palace. Today I have been summoned by Her Majesty to talk about my patrons and possibly getting new ones. 

As I stepped inside my phone went off and I grabbed it to see it was Madeline calling me. I answered it and smiled softly. 

"How is my favorite pregnant Princess doing?" I asked as I walked up the familiar steps to Her Majesty's office. 

"Very tired. Were you this tired during your first pregnancy?" She asked as I waved hello to one of the security guards.

"Very. I had to send one of the maids to find a tea that could help keep me up. My mum believes when you sleep throughout your pregnancy the baby will be hard to wake up." I explained and Madeleine sighed. 

"I know you have your meeting with Queen Elizabeth so I won't be long but I do have a question to ask you?" 


"Christopher and I want you and Harry to be one of the baby's godparents. Well, one set. We already asked Harry but we wanted to ask you as well." 

"Madeleine! Of course, I'll be the baby's godmother." I said as I got to the Queen's floor. 

"Thank god. Vicky is going to be one of the godmothers as well but I really wanted to ask you as well." 

"Oh, I want to cry. Thank you, Madeline. I'll text you once I'm out of the meeting." I said before we ended the call and I slipped the phone back into my purse. 

The guards opened the door and I smiled as I walked into the office and bowed to the Queen. 

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty," I said as I stood from my bow. 

"Look at you. Are you sure it's only one?" She said with a laugh as she stepped towards me and I kissed both of her cheeks. 

"Positive. Twins run in my family though. On both my mum's side and my dad's." I explained as she led me towards her desk and I smiled at her. 

"I believe it is time you get more patrons. You have been doing a wonderful job with social media and introducing the family into it." She explained and I smiled at her. 

"Thank you. With this age now everything is social media. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I learned the public likes to be involved as much as they can be. When we don't is when we see them be rude." I explained as a maid came in with a tea tray. 

I smiled at her as she poured us each a cup of tea before she bowed and walked away. 

"Well let's see. You have Book Trust, The University of Sussex, The Royal National Theatre, Mayhew, The English National Ballet. Plus you help Henry with so many of his patrons." She explained as she set her cup of tea down. 

"Harry's patronages and charity's are like his babies almost. He always gets happy when he asks me to come with him on visits." I said with a smile as I placed a hand on my belly and rubbed it. 

"Alright well, I am passing down The Nurses Foundation as well as The British Youth Opera. You have done so well with the theatre and the ballet. Constantly going to rehearsals and offering advice." 

I smiled softly at the Queen before bowing my head. 

"As my mother has always said she was an avid theatre person. I have a personal love for music." I said and Her Majesty chuckled before she reached to her drawer. She pulled out a folder and handed it to me. 

Once I grabbed it I opened it and saw it was the official paperwork for me receiving these patrons. 

"Just need your signature dear. And we shall announce these new patrons." Her Majesty said as she handed me the pen. I leaned forward and signed my name on both papers before handing it back to her. 

"Perhaps after your Luxembourg tour, you shall visit one of these new patrons. How is the planning for that going?" She questioned and I nodded. 

"Well, our team is very excited. No one has toured Luxembourg since you did the last time. They are trying to find the common ground without offending someone." I explained as I sat up.

'Well, I thought when you, Edward, and Sophie went for the wedding it went well. The pressure is on the Hereditary Grand Duchess to produce an heir." Her Majesty said and I raised a smile as I held back a laugh. 

"Granny, did you just gossip?" I asked and she smiled as she stood up and I went to follow her. 

"Merely repeating what I hear my aids say. Have you thought of godparents for the baby yet?" She asked as I followed her towards the small balcony. 

"Harry has already asked one of his closest friends. That friend said yes. We asked Louise if she would like to be a godmother because we asked James the last time. She was very excited. They both adore Diana." I said and Her Majesty nodded. 

"You have done well. Being thrown into this family. The media digging up every single inch of your past. Your brother. I do not know how you do it at time Isla." 

I watched her Majesty for a moment before smiling. 

"My mother raised a strong woman. Harry and William told me what it was like being a Royal. Your life constantly on the press. I have no secrets. I want to share my story with the world, but on my terms only. I won't be bullied by the press." 

Her Majesty smiled at me before she patted my hand. 

"Very Well dear. I have a phone call to make to the Prime Minister. Phillip is in his office if you wish to say hello." She said as I bowed my head to her 

"Maybe next time. Harry and I still have daycare applications to do for Diana. She's nearly two now." I said with a smile and Her Majesty chuckled. 

"Her, Georgie, and Mia. All so close. I pray they stay like that." She whispered before I bowed my head one last time and exited the office. 


January 9th, 2015

@DailyMail_UK: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex released this never-before-seen photo of The Duchess of Cambridge and Princess Diana, on the day of The Duchess's birthday

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

@DailyMail_UK: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex released this never-before-seen photo of The Duchess of Cambridge and Princess Diana, on the day of The Duchess's birthday. From the photo, we can all tell how close the young Princess is to her Duchess Aunt. #HappyBirthdatHRH

@User1: Aww! You can tell how close Diana is to Harry's side of the family 

@User2:Catharine looks so happy! Still can't believe they are both pregnant 

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