Advanced Placement

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Forcing my eyes open, I drew in a deep breath. Zombies didn't scare me all too much just whenever, but for some reason, in my dreams they were absolutely petrifying.

But that's all it was. A dream. And today is another day. A day that I have to go to school and deal with people I don't want to deal with. However, it's a Friday. And a half day. And the beginning of winter break.

I smiled at the thought. Although, I would be taking an exam to see if I can move to the advanced class. But that's all I'm going to do today. All the examinees have to go the academy to take the test. Everyone else gets to stay home.

I stretched and crawled out of bed, begrudgingly standing and shuffling over to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of jeans, faded in some areas, rips beginning in others, a t-shirt, some underwear, a bra, and some socks.

Tugging on my jeans, and, subsequently, my t-shirt, as well as a jacket, I moved to the bathroom adjacent to my bedroom. I brushed my hair and teeth, washed my face, and put on one of my favorite beanies(black with white letters saying "How 'bout no").

I skipped out the door and down the hall, humming and thinking myself silly. I padded down the stairs, snagging my converse and back pack at the last step.

"Sadie! I'm going to take the exams!" I yelled, hopping on one foot and attempting to shove my foot into my converse.

"Okay, Emily!" Sadie, my roommate, replied groggily. "Good luck!"

I got out a quick, "Thanks!" before I shut the door to our small dorm house and ran off to the classroom I was supposed to meet the proctors at.

I raced across campus, worried I might not make it on time, though it was doubtful with my eagerness. I burst through the front doors, rushed down the hallways and up the stairs, finally reaching the examinees' waiting room.

By now, my flame of avidity had become a simmering coal and my confidence had dwindled. However, I would not turn back, not when I was this close to rubbing it in my rivals face. I swallowed my pride and entered the room.

What I saw next didn't surprise me, but it wasn't exactly expected either. There were Jocks, Geeks, Delinquents, Cheerleaders, Populars, all different stereotypes. People you wouldn't expect to see in the advanced class. But they were there, right in front of me.

In the large classroom, there were lots of seats but I chose one close to the door, to my left. I felt a few stares burning holes in the back of my shirt, but instead of looking to catch the culprit, I decided on ignoring them and practicing my okayish art skills.

"Bernhardt" somebody's last name was called for them to take the exam. For a reason unknown to us examinees, and the rest of the Regular Classes for that matter, we each had to take the exam individually.

"Carlton" it was drawing nearer and nearer to my turn. My nerves were wracked and I could barely concentrate, the butterflies in my stomach crashing into each other and everything else.

"Devin" my name... That's my name... It's my turn. I stood, albeit somewhat shaky. The proctor had a warm smile and soft, almost pixie-like, features. It was reassuring.

"Right this way," she led me down a staircase to one of the gyms. There was an arena set up, kind of like in a coliseum, but mats padded the walls and only few spectators sat in the bleachers, which were out of any harm with the high plexiglass walls protruding from the mats.

"Here, I'll take this. Be careful, good luck," the proctor took my bag and let me inside the arena.

"Welcome, Emily Devin, to the Advanced Placement Exams," a referee popped up out of nowhere. "Your opponent will be Carl. Now, the rules are: no killing, raising the dead, injuring to the extreme, breaking the walls, and/or injuring the spectators. Please try to stay in the ring as long as possible so the judges can evaluate your abilities to the fullest.

"Emily, Carl is a werewolf. Please use this information to the best of your ability. Begin!" My mind reeled at this. Was this a joke? I mean, that can't be right. The somewhat toned, brown haired, red eyed guy in front of me can't be a werewolf.

To prove my thoughts wrong, Carl unbuttoned his shirt and took off his belt before morphing into a large brown wolf. I nodded slowly, mulling over the thought. 'Okay,' my mind murmured. 'Life just got a bit more exciting.'

Suddenly, Carl charged and I flinched before turning and hightailing it away from him. Unfortunately, I'm not fast enough to loose him, though the circular arena may be partially at fault for that.

A peek over my shoulder to see the giant animal still hot on my heels gives me and idea. I stop abruptly and drop to the ground, Carl confusedly leaping right over me. A nervous smile breaks across my lips as I set my plan into action.

I chase after Carl, who is sliding into a wall, trying to stop and turn around, and jump up onto his back, grabbing tightly to his fur. Tugging myself up to his head, desperately hanging on even though he tries to buck me off, I pull off my jacket and tie the sleeves around his muzzle, covering his eyes with the rest.

A sudden jolt sends me flying and I slam into the opposite wall, thanking the heavens that it was the mat. I curse at my lack of resources.

A snicker in the audience has me looking that way, and that's when I realize that most of the advanced class students are watching. Probably wagering on who'll win.

Determination sparks in my heart and I lunge forward, sprinting across the rocky terrain of the once-tile gym floor. I wasn't sure how to fight this creature, but I had a small bit of know-how on nerves. This meant pressure points.

I jumped up onto the beast and punched between his shoulder blades, causing a whimper. Then I jabbed a spot between the ear and jawbone, receiving another whimper.

Finally, I pressed a point on his back with my toes and jabbed a spot on the side of his neck, which sent an overloaded electrical message to the brain. In short, I knocked Carl unconscious.

"Congratulations," the referee showed up again. "You've passed the physical part of the test. Now the evaluation. Judges?" Three spectators stood from the audience filed down to the arena as Carl was taken to the infirmary.

"Emily Tyler Devin. We, the teachers of the advanced class here at Hawthorn Academy, welcome you. You may go home to gather your things to move into the advanced class dorms or you can mingle with the class," a round-faced, rosy-cheeked, plump woman told me sweetly.

I sighed in relief, exhaustion settling in where adrenaline once was. "Actually, I think I'm gonna take a nap," I smiled back weakly, my vision going fuzzy and darkening.


Mystery Student POV

I sigh exasperatedly as I catch the new student. She would need a bit of training in close combat, for sure, but otherwise, she's pretty good.

"I'll take her to the infirmary," I nod curtly to the teachers and swiftly take my leave, scooping the girl up into my arms.

My quick pace got me to the nurse fairly quickly and she had me lay the girl down on a bed. I left just as soon as I got there.

When I returned to the arena my group and I had plenty of questions for each other. All pertaining to the new students in the Advanced Class.

Hawthorn AcademyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz