Closing the door behind them, Lilia was now once again alone with Eduan. The woman narrowed her eyes at him before flickering them to the door, a nonverbal cue asking him to leave as well. But the male ignored her as he remained sitting on the bed. The same cheeky smile adorned his face as he rested his head on the palm of his hand.

Knowing very well that at this rate he won't leave, Lilia decided to resume with getting ready. Weaving her long black locks through her fingers, she secured part of it into a half bun with a ribbon. While doing so, she glance around her vanity for a certain hair ornament, only for it to be nowhere in sight.

"Looking for this?"

Turning towards the voice, the light bearer was greeted with the sight of a blue lily hairpin balancing between his fingers held out towards her.

"Yes..." She quietly muttered as she reached her delicate hand toward the object. As soon her she did, her fingers slightly brushed against the male's. Gently taking the hairpin from his hands, as if it was so fragile that it could break at any moment, she lightly placed it on the side of her bun. This whole time, she was oblivious to the loving look Eduan was giving her while doing so.

Standing up, she strapped her sword to her hip and motioned towards the door. "Come on, let's get going before Jahad blows up again. Though it seems like he already did so knowing on how impatient he is."

Eduan nodded as he got off the bed and followed her to where the rest of their party was waiting.

"Oi! Lilia! Took you long enough to wake up. Because of you we have to delay our plans. Heck, even Eduan is taking this chance to slack off," Jahad yelled as he stormed towards her. The said spear bearer stood his ground as he confronted the blonde hair man about calling him a slacker. This of course, was interfered V, causing another three way argument that occurred way too often for anyone else to even be bothered at this point.

"So, you feeling better?" Yurin asked as she stood next to the jewel eyed woman. She nodded, assuring that she was fine, her eyes never leaving the blue haired man in the midst of arguing with their leader.

"Y'know..." The scout started. Lilia turned her gaze towards her, signalling for her to go on. "For someone always so keen about keeping a proper appearance, your hairpin sure sticks out like a sore thumb," Yurin continued, referring to the out of place color scheme of the lily hairpin on her beautiful, red hanfu that suited her cherry red lips perfectly.

"Hm.. is that so?" A small smile graced itself on Lilia's fair features.

"But I do like it this way."


"You disappoint me, Lilia." Jahad stated as he glowered at the woman standing before him.

"I suppose I want to say the same to you," the lightbearer replied, drawing her sword from her lighthouse. Jahad mirrored her actions by summoning his own needle.

"I know we clash beliefs from time to time, but I never knew it would come to this. I would give you a chance to redeem yourself but I can't do any favors, for I need to make an example as the king."

Lilia clicked her tongue as she readied her sword, her lighthouses floated from behind her as she stood calmly amidst the battleground, every one of Luslec's warriors are clashed in a fight against Jahad's army. Her jeweled eyes scanned her surroundings, seeing how Jahad is gaining the upper hand with the help of the other Great Warriors. In the corner of her eyes she saw Eduan from afar, spear in hand. 

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