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'Huh?' The woman internally groaned as she struggled to open her eyes.

"Lilia! Wake up!~"

Violet clashed with cobalt as the said woman's vision began to clear. Looking up from her supine position, was none other than Khun Eduan. A cheekily smug smile made itself comfortable on his pale features as he stared down at the female.

"Ah, you finally got up. If you didn't, I was about to kiss you awake~"

Lilia's confused face morphed into one of disgust as she pushed his face away, sitting up from her bed. "What do you want, Eduan?"

The blue haired man made himself comfortable in a cross legged position on the space next to her on the bed before answering. "Now now, is this how you talk to someone who is ever so kind enough to wake you up before Jahad comes storming in?"

"What are you talking about-- Hey! If you're going to put your feet on my bed, take off your shoes first!"

"C'mon Lilia, don't be like that--"

"Lilia! Thank goodness you're awake!" Eduan's whining was immediately interrupted as Arlene came running into the room, V not far behind.

"Jahad and the others are already prepared to advance on to the next floor. He was about to come wake you up himself, but seeing as you looked so tired lately, we convinced him to let you rest a little longer... It's not Eduan that's causing you to be like that, is it?!" The brunette's sudden bombardment was perfectly understood by those present in the room as Eduan's face contorted, as if offended by the accusation.

"Why is it that all of you are accusing me of such a thing? Besides, if I was the one keeping Lilia up at night, trust me, you would know-- mmph!" The jewel eyed woman smothered his face mid-sentence before he could resume with such an inappropriate topic in mind.

"Please refrain from using such crude innuendos," she calmly stated, disregarding the fact that the spear bearer was clawing at the pillow to breathe.

"It's very unlike you to oversleep like that. I hope you are getting enough rest," V said calmly as the woman accompanying him immediately pulled Lilia into a bear hug, saving Eduan from being smothered for good.

"Don't worry. I'll be alright, it's just that I've been having a rough time sleeping recently."

The blue haired male next to her smirk as he quirked an eyebrow in a suggestive manner. "Then why don't I sleep with you from now on. Maybe seeing my face before you go to sleep and waking up to the same face may help you have better dreams~"

Lilia sighed as she gently unraveled herself from Arlene's arms. "If it's seeing your face every time before I go to bed and waking up, then it's no different from the usual. In fact, I feel like maybe it's the fact that I see your face so often that I have a hard time sleeping."

"Lilia!" Eduan placed a hand over his face as his eyes grew glossy. "You think about me that much that it even hinders your sleep schedule? Oh perhaps you're right, Arlene. My dear Lilia longs for me so much, to the point that I'm in her mind the whole time."

"You very well know that's not what I meant," Lilia grumbled as she stood up from her bed and head towards the vanity next to it. Picking up her crimson outer robe, she threw it over her body before securing the sash around her waist.

V headed towards the door as Arlene followed closely behind. "You better hurry up and get ready. Jahad's already furious about the delay. You know how he is."

𝐀 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 /// ᴋʜᴜɴ ᴇᴅᴜᴀɴKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat