Hell? I've been through worse

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Helltaker belongs to Łukasz Piskorz


Greetings little one. Please don't mind me. It is just I, good old Beelzebub

[New Game]

Story of the Helltaker again? Interesting...

Do you, by any chance, need a narrator?

Why please, allow me. It will be a pleasure.

You woke up one day with a dream. Harem full of demon girls

You: "Huh, that's weird"

It was, however, not an easy dream to achieve. It could cost you your life.

You: "Might as well, what else am I gonna do? replay new vegas again?"

"When demon girls are involved, no price is high enough."
You said, as you ventured down to hell.

You: "Well let's get going, so do I just? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Landing with a thud, picking up dust you laid on the cold stone

You: "Ow"

Was all you said before pushing yourself up from the cold ground and dusting yourself off. Looking around you saw red, black and gray

You: "Huh so hell does exist? well fuck, considering I jerked off a lot, jesus won't help me out"

He said with his hands on his sides looking off into empty space, soon he stopped his train of thought and looked onward

You: "Well, here goes nothing"

Walking forward you saw a bunch of skeletons, deciding not to be an asshole you came up to one

You: "Scuse me mr skellyman, what would be the way out?"

The skeleton pointed behind himself using his thumb

You: "Thank you, could you step aside?"

He didn't, sighing you then kicked the skeleton out of the way and into a wall, resulting in bones scattering the ground. Shrugging you moved forward until you saw boulders, thinking nothing of it you kicked them out of the way and soon a demon girl came into your vision, walking forward she noticed you.

 Shrugging you moved forward until you saw boulders, thinking nothing of it you kicked them out of the way and soon a demon girl came into your vision, walking forward she noticed you

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