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The story you are about to dive into is a 'Pick-your-own-path' kind of story. I explain it a little more in the Preface, but I wanted everyone to know beforehand that this is the first time I have ever done this kind of story. My original inspiration was a spy book I once had as a kid, but I've also taken some inspiration from the Henry Stikmin games because I love them and they're hilarious and have multiple endings.

Because I'm so new at this kind of story telling, it's possible the story may be strange, not be quite so amusing, or may have something in it that makes reading a bit difficult. So if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve, or what was done well or pretty bad, let me know so I can correct it or make an adjustment for the future. I like this kind of story and I think it'd be fun to do it again, but I'd need some time to think of how to tell the next tale. If anyone has any feedback, I would greatly appreciate it!

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