Chapter 二十一

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Tigress and Shifu kept and eye on both Tai Lung and Shen until Po finally returned with the guards. Tigress was then told to go wake up the Five and get some medical treatment. The master looked more than happy to do so and quickly slipped out of the training hall as the guards approached Tai Lung. 

"Well, well, look what we have here," one guard said with a frown on his face. "The disgraced kitty with a bad attitude."

"Hello, Chao," Tai Lung snarled. "Still haven't brushed your teeth, I see." 

"Hardi-har-har. You're so hilarious." 

"I'm shocked you lived," another guard said as they picked him off the ground and gripped his shoulders. "We got to get out of those mountains and back to normal guard duty when you "died". Now we have to head back up there again." 

"You'd think they'd have closed the place after that," the first one continues. "But there it stands." 

"Really? Chorh Gom is still open? Without the ruthless tyrant Commander Vachir?" Tai Lung asked in surprise. "Or did they find all his pieces and put him back together again?"

"Shut up you little monster!" the guard snapped as he smacked the snow leopard on the head. 

Shifu winced at the action, but he said nothing in response. The guards started to drag Tai Lung away only for Po to let out an "ooooh!" after seeing the snow leopard's slashed eye. It could still open, but the open wound across his eye lid made the task excruciatingly painful. 

"Is that from the Wuxi Finger?" he asked. "Or Tigress?"

"Neither," Tai Lung answered. "It was from His Majesty Lord Psycho over there." 

He jerked his head in the direction of Lord Shen who was angrily screeching at the guards to unhand him or suffer the consequences. 

"Let me see," Shifu said suddenly. He walked over to Tai Lung and carefully looked at his face. He winced upon seeing the massive scar and immediately told the guards to take care of it immediately. 

"We don't give prisoners medical care," the one guard promptly stated.

Shifu glared at him. "Then take him to the doctor here and put it on my bill," he responded just as promptly. "I won't have that wound get infected." 

The two guards grumbled to themselves but agreed to do as they were told. "I hope you're grateful," the other guard told Tai Lung. "You'll be going back to basics once we take you home." 

"Oh naturally," Tai Lung replied. "One can become really spoiled by getting medicine in a cozy doctor's office rather than appreciating the basics of poisoned prison water in practically an ice cave." 

"We didn't feed you poisoned prison water, wise guy." 

"Really? Then you must just have some lousy plumbing." 

The guard whacked him upside the head again before leading him out of the training hall. The guards who had Shen were told that he needed to be taken to Gongmen CIty to be judged by the Master's Counsel. 

"I'll have some of the Five follow Tai Lung and the others will accompany yourself," Shifu explained. "To avoid anyone escaping. Tigress will stay here to rest from her injuries. 

The guards agreed to the extra protection and followed the first round of guards to the Jade Palace gates. Tigress, having finally woken up the Five, came with Mantis and Monkey in tow. They were busy questioning her about her injuries when they spotted the large procession heading to the door. 

"Okay, now I've seen everything!" Monkey exclaimed as he looked at Tai Lung and Shen. 

"Oh good! You're awake!" Shifu called from the back of the line. "Tai Lung and Shen will be taken separately to-wait, where are Viper and Crane?!"

"They're not in bed," Tigress answered immediately. "And since Crane's hat is missing, I'm assuming they've gone out." 

Shifu let out an exasperated sigh. "Not again," he groaned. "Remind me to have a word with them later." 

"I will." 

"Okay then. Po will go by himself with Tai Lung. Mantis and Monkey, you'll accompany Shen. I'll stay here and help Tigress."

The masters agreed to the plan and began to accompany the guards out of the Jade Palace. Before they headed down, Tigress stopped the procession really quick and said, "Tai Lung."   When the snow leopard looked at her, she smiled and added, "Thank you for helping me." 

Tai Lung felt a warm happy wave go through him at the sound of praise. He smiled and told the master he was happy to be of assistance before being shoved out the door. Shifu gave Tigress a funny look while Po scowled. 

"What are you thanking him for?!" the Dragon Warrior demanded. 

"He did help me, Po," Tigress said firmly. "Lord Shen could have done much worse if he didn't step in." 

"You totally gave him a cutesy face!" 

Tigress rolled her eyes. "I don't like him." she corrected the panda. "First of all, the man's old enough to be my dad, which is gross. And second of all, no one could replace you, you lovable ball of fur."  She gave Po a hug and a quick kiss. Then added, "No makes sure that he doesn't try to escape." 

Po gave her a determined smile and nodded. He then walked out of the Jade Palace and quickly caught up with the guards. Upon seeing Tai Lung smiling and looking a little absent-minded however, his mood immediately dropped. 

I hope that medication stings your eye, he thought.



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