Chapter a

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Tigress felt hot with embarrassment the next morning, barely having the stomach to eat her breakfast. Noticing this, Po, sitting diagonal to the master, asked "Hey, Tigress, are you okay?"

The master nodded, forcing herself to swallow her food. She hoped that Shifu wouldn't come in and tell everyone about her failure to immediately report Tai Lung's presence. She sighed and took another bite of food, blaming herself for the millionth time that morning. If she had just told Master Shifu about Tai Lung earlier, she could have spared herself from being in this situation. 

"Are you sure?" Viper asked her. "You look really pale."

"I...I'm fine," Tigress answered. She briefly glanced at the door in slight paranoia before turning back to her food. The room eventually settled back to its normal chatter and Tigress felt herself relax, but only for a bit. The chatter was soon interrupted by the kitchen doors opening, revealing Master Shifu. Tigress felt a wave of panic rise up in her stomach, but seeing that Master Shifu didn't look furious, the feeling simply subsided into a nervous pit. 

"It's good to see you all gathered in a timely manner," he announced, using the same tone he always used when taking to everyone. "We have an unexpected change in plans today."

"Why? What happened?" Mantis asked. 

"Tai Lung's returned from surviving the Wuxi Finger," came the answer.

"What?!" everyone cried in shock. 

"How the heck did that happen?!" Po cried. 

"I don't know," Shifu admitted. "I meant to ask last night when Tigress and I spotted him him snooping about, but unfortunately he vanished."

"Oh that's why you look all funny today!" Po exclaimed, glancing over at his friend. "Though I'd be pretty spooked too if I saw someone come back from the seemingly dead."

"I'm fine, Po" Tigress promised him, reaching for her tea. "You don't need to worry about me; I can handle Tai Lung." 

"Speaking of which, I want you all by the front of the Jade Palace," Shifu interrupted. "I need you all on guard so that we can figure out where he is."

"Yes, master," the students said. They all abandoned the table and quickly filed out of the kitchen. Tigress got up to follow them but Shifu blocked her with his staff, indicating for her to wait. He listened for all of the footsteps of the other masters, and after confirming that they had left, he shut the kitchen door behind him. Tigress' nervous pit knotted and twisted uncomfortably as she waited for Shifu to speak. 

"You'll be staying behind with me," was the first thing he said. 

"What?! But...won't I be of more help-"

"Help?!" Shifu snapped, his face immediately contorting into a look of fury. "You saw Tai Lung on patrol two nights ago and you said nothing! I don't know what came over you, but I'm keeping you here at the Jade Palace. You can help me organize and clean the Hall of Warriors and the training hall."

Tigress sighed. "Yes, sir," she said sullenly. 

"I'm lessening your punishment by not telling the others," Shifu added. "I'd like to hope that this'll be a one time incident, so I'll spare you the embarrassment. But I don't want this infraction repeated again. Am I clear?" 

"Yes, sir."


Shifu opened the kitchen doors and gestured for her to leave. Grateful, Tigress quickly walked out of the kitchen with Shifu trailing close behind her. 

As night fell over the Jade Palace, Tigress was inside the training hall sweeping up the last of the dirt on the floor. She was exhausted from the numerous laborious tasks that she had to do throughout the day, though she was grateful she wasn't given a worse punishment. The master finished sweeping and leaned the broom against the wall. She then leaned against the wall herself and sighed in exhaustion.

"Long day?"

Startled, Tigress jumped away from the wall, her eyes immediately locking with Tai Lung's. The snow leopard was standing a few feet away away from her, his arms folded loosely across his chest as he leaned casually against the wall. Tigress wanted to ask him what he was doing there but she knew that getting help was the better option. Except what should she do? If she ran to tell Shifu, Tai Lung would be gone within a matter of seconds. If she stayed to fight, Tai Lung was guaranteed to beat her and then what would happen? 

"This is from not telling Shifu about my being back in town, isn't it?" Tai Lung asked. 

Tigress gave him a nasty look and grabbed the broom from the wall. She then opened the training hall doors ans swept the dirt into the courtyard. 

"You know, you're not much of a talker," Tai Lung noted. "Is that why you didn't tattle on me?"

Tigress snarled and whipped her head around to whack him in the face with the end of the broom. Tai Lung blocked the incoming attack however and ripped the broom out of the master's hands. 

"I made the mistake of not alerting anyone to your presence last time," Tigress snarled. "I won't make that mistake again!"

She went to bolt out the door, having made up her mind about what she was going to do, only for Tai Lung to grab her arm and tug her back to him. "Wait a second," he said. 

"Let go of me!" Tigress demanded. 

"I want to talk to you before you run off!"

"Nothing you say is going to make me listen-"

"I'm sorry!"

Tigress froze and stared at him. Tai Lung was still holding onto her arm, but he loosened it a bit when he saw the master was listening. 

"I came back to mend the mistakes I made," Tai Lung continued. "I acted like an idiot. I was arrogant, stupid, blind, and aggressive. I hurt people. And I regret it everyday. I came back to ask Shifu if it's possible to for me to have a second chance here."      He looked at the master hopefully. "I know I'm not worthy of your forgiveness, but could you at least let me have that chance?"

Choose what happens next. Skip to chapter:

  一 - Tigress accepts Tai Lung's apology

  二 - Tigress doesn't accept Tai Lung's apology

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