Sooyoung rubbed her wrist, chuckling, "yeah, kinda forgot that I shouldn't sneak up on you like that." She smiled widely when Jiwoo opened her arms shyly, silently asking her for a hug. She immediately let herself walk over to her and hug her. She felt Jiwoo sigh on her shoulder, "I missed actually seeing you."

"Okay they're back to their lovey-dovey selves," Vivi fake gaged and sat herself beside Yerim. "Hey! Look at that, Haseul pitching Jinsoul. What a throwback."

"Yeah, only difference is this time Haseul will make sure Jinsoul won't hit anything. She's gotten really good," Yerim wanted to ask how Vivi knew that. But she sighed when she remembered, "right. I forgot you're girlfriends."

"Damn right I am. She's gonna kill it."

The whole stadium watched as Haseul sent her signal to the catcher. Jinsoul held her breath. She knew Haseul's throws. She knew that the afternoon she got the chance to practice with her again, her technique hasn't changed that much. But she also couldn't help but remember how she felt like Haseul was holding back. Now she knew why she was. She held her bat tightly. Haseul threw the ball and— "strike one!"

She saw the smirk Haseul had plastered on her face. This really was going to be an interesting match.

Surprisingly, Jinsoul was out when she couldn't hit the other two throws from Haseul. But that was already enough for Hyunjin to decipher and make out the trick to it. By the time Hyunjin was the batter she managed to hit the ball, she took home their first point. It was a lost cause though, because only she was able to run full, because the other batters were out.

The next few innings went smoothly for both teams. By the ninth inning The National Team had 6 points with the Eagles right behind them at 5 points. Everyone was tense, knowing that this inning would be the last one. It was the last pitch, and somehow it was Haseul and Jinsoul again.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats, if Jinsoul hits this well enough, her teammates that had bat before her we're waiting on all three bases. Jinsoul bit her lip as she watched Haseul eye her. She could do this. She could do this. Haseul throws and—

"And she hits! Wait— I can't believe it folks—" and Jinsoul didn't bother listening to the commentator anymore because the wild cheers were enough to know that she had done it again. "The Jung Jinsoul hits a home run!"

She had the widest smile. She even smiled cheekily at Haseul when she was in view as she passed by. Haseul only rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at her.

"Ah~ The sweet taste of victory~" Hyunjin sing-songed as she walked over and slung her arm around Haseul's shoulder. The two teams retreated to an observing view since it was now time for the guest star to perform. Haseul shoved the other girl off her playfully, before chucking and gripping Hyunjin's hand tightly, "you guys really did a good job! I was hoping you wouldn't figure out my throw so quickly but what can I do against the Kim Hyunjin?"

"Hey! I was the one who did a homerun!" Jinsoul whined behind them. Both her friends shrugged. Hyunjin wiggled her eyebrows, "I'm excited to see who the performing artist will be," she turned towards Jinsoul, "aren't you?"

The batter shrugged, "I don't know who's performing. Can't say I am."

Ryujin, who was all the way by the wide window that had a pretty good view of the stage down there, grinned, "really? Do you want to come find out if you'll be excited when you see who it is?"

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