Chapter 1 - New beginnings

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This is just a quick disclaimer, neither english nor italian are my first language, so if you as a english/italian speaker find something wrong with my grammar please warn me, that would really help. Hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Each color that i put at the header has a meaning, but you can interpret it the way you like. Comment your thoughts and opinions. I would love to read your feedback. Thank you and enjoy.


        The world is made out of perspectives, it depends on how every person sees it. My problem is, I do not have any view of the future or of what my life could be. You see, these past few years haven't been great as I could say. I was arrested two fucking times. But as much as I think it through, the problems come from a deeper place. Since I was a child my family hasn't been perfect, to be exact not even close to perfect. When I was 10 years old my mum and my dad got divorced, and since my father had a criminal record I couldn't stay with him. I'm 18 now and got kicked out of my mum's house, and I deserved it, though. I got arrested a fourth time but they released me. So now I'll be living with my dad.

    I had 6 hours by bus ride after 3 hours on an airplane. I'm back in my little neighbourhood. Everybody knows each other here, which I'm not used to anymore considering I stayed in Rome for several years and only lived here as a child. I used to have lots of friends here back in the day, I'm not sure if they even remember me anymore. As my father had agreed, he would meet up with me and my two huge luggage at the bus station. In a total amount of 8 years I had seen him 8 times, at his birthday he would crash at my mum's house and stay for a couple of days, so as anyone can see we're not very close and as far as I'm aware, it's not his goal to be.

    I was standing in front of the old rusty gates of the bus station, smoking a cigarette while looking at my phone, when my name was called, I looked at the source of the sound and could recognize my dad smiling at me.

  "Hey, dad!..." I said, throwing the cigarette in the ground, I put it out by stepping on top of it. My dad walked towards me, greeting me with a hug, which for sure is surprising, he never was a warm person, I hugged him back kissing his cheeks. I guess it was my turn to surprise him cause he just tore the hug apart looking in a weird way to me, which makes sense since I just kissed the cheeks of an Englishman with no announcement prior to that. I decided to ignore what I did and so did he. "So how are you doing?"

  "I'm great kiddo, was the trip too tiring?" He asked, taking one of my luggage with him as he started walking. I followed him, to where I supposed his car was. The ground was wet full of puddles, so as I walked the dirty water splashed in my white sneakers.

  "Kind of, but I think the bus was way more comfortable than the airplane." I shrugged and kept looking to the ground, I have some concentration issues. I felt my dad staring at me, I knew that sooner or later he would want to talk about my problems. I looked at him, I feel quite ashamed, it wasn't my plan to get arrested for stupid shit, I don't even know why I did those things.

  "It sure was." After saying that we stayed in an awkward silence until we got to his car, it was a simple one, coloured with a light yellow shade. The painting had some cracks but nothing major. He put my luggage inside the car and I took a seat in the front. He did the same starting the car. I took my AirPods and put on a random song.

   As I looked at the road through the window, I felt the wind messing my hair and little raindrops in my face. I liked this weather and missed it. I started to remember in nostalgia about my childhood days while I lived here. I had a best friend and I never really said goodbye to him, it was all too sudden, one of the things that I regret the most in my life. For what I can remember, he was always this chill guy, everyone liked him and described him as a "lovely boy", though he could be a douche sometimes, we were eleven and who is not a fucking douche at that age? Well, I'm still one after all. I sighed, laying my head on the car.

  "Why did you do that?" I heard my dad say and looked at him, I frowned my eyebrows, trying to guess what he's talking about. "Well, lemme be a bit more specific to refresh your stupid memory, you robbed drinks from a store, you were caught with fucking weed and coke, and Jenna said you are a junkie now. Wanna start explaining yourself or do I need to be more clear?" And here we go, it started, I knew he was being way too nice, I sighed, lightly punching the dashboard.

  "I don't fucking know, okay? I was holding some weed for my friends, and I'm not a fucking addict, so fuck off. " I said in a monotonous tone, not looking at his face. All lies, it was my drugs, I almost overdosed for what the cops said. And I stole a fucking bottle of vodka because I felt like it. Am I an addict? No, not at all. I have it all under control.

  "Don't bitch at me, you are the bad guy here not me, I'm your dad and I need to talk to you about this, you know? It was not yours? So the cops were lying to fuck with ya? It's really lovely that you think I'm that stupid. Teens fuck up, but you crossed the line a long long time ago. You should have been sent to me the first time, you don't know how to deal with the city and do this shit for attention, a fucking attention whore. " He was talking with so much anger that his face was red with 2 veins popping up. I just listened to him quietly. I'm not gonna argue with him.

    He took a deep breath whispering a 'sorry' to me and I didn't answer. I don't know how to deal with a lot of stuff, but I loved living in a big city, it was way better than this fucking end of the world place, I hate that everyone knows about everything that every fucking person does. This shit pisses me off.

  "I'll get better, dad." I said almost whispering, as I looked down to my lap. I really want to be a better person, but I have too much to get better on, I have a long path in front of me.

  "I hope so." He said. I noticed the car getting slower and then he parked it on front of a 2 floor pinkish house, it had a nice garden and it was way bigger than my flat in Rome. I opened the door getting out of the car, closing it right after. I leaned in the car, observing the house, my dad's life had a fucking upgrade, holly shit. "Help me with your bags lazy boy." I rolled my eyes, helping him.

  "I didn't know that you had moved out of that shed we called a house." I said while he was opening the front door. I could see the wooden floor, the house had some expensive furniture, what the fuck? My dad laughed, releasing my bag on the floor. I did the same, taking my shoes off, one of my 'family rules' is to take off the shoes to not bring dirt into the house.

  "I have a company now, and it is doing pretty good as you can see. You can go upstairs, your room is the last one, we can talk later. Oh and your school starts tomorrow morning, you will have some private classes after everybody so you can keep up with your old classmates. I convinced the school that way so you don't get too far behind the kids of your age." Shit, I have school. I'm quite late because of my grades and to be sincere, I didn't even show up for school, plus my police issues. "Oh and that kid that you used to be friends with is also there, his name was... Gilbert I guess." I felt a warmth in my chest, I missed him for so long, but someday I just had to get over the fact that I wouldn't be able to visit him any time soon, but now I'm here.

  "Really? Does he still live in the same house? " I asked cheerfully, my dad looked at me like I was some kind of a weirdo and nodded at me. I smiled. "Can I go to visit him later?"

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