The Five Children

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"Long Ago,Before we came here we were alive.Just like you but,we were children.We were fooled by Vincent or the Murdur.He led us to the back and murdured the Five of us" he said.I counted them "Wait there are only 4 of you..where is the 5th?" "You know that guy?Mike..she possesed him.Thats why his eyes were diffrent" he said. "she promised to help him through the night so he wouldn't die..He can't control her so,Vincent has to keep Mike calm so Jermey dosent find out." "Other children souls still wonder around the Pizzaria,one could be in you,you don't know."Freddy led me out the room,I walked toward them.Mike had Jermey sleeping on his sholder (#jeremike o3o) while Vincent stared at me."I know the story,Vincent,why.." He looked at the floor and didn't answer.Mike spoke "He can't help it it's in his blood.She can hear you also" he whispered.I walked away and went back in Kid's Cove,I layed down and thought if a child was helping me.

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