New Guard

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All we herd were children screaming,crying,whining,laughing,and singing for the past 7 hours. "UGGG MAKE IT STOP" as I yelled whispered.Soon every kid left after a few hours one by one. The door opened and I peeked my eye out to see who it was.There was a 19 or 18 kid who had shaggy brown hair wearing a white shirt and blue jean bottoms.He was scrawny for his age and short but, nice.Mike and Vincent came walking through the door.Mike greeted the New Guard and asked him his name."M-my name is Jermey Fizergerld" he said. "Mike Schimit (IDC IF I SPELLED IT WRONG >:U)." Mike and Jermey shook hands while Vincent walked to the office.I looked at the clock, 12:00. I walked out and stretched my legs so they could stop clanking up.Chika wanted to see Mike and I asked her if I could come. "Sure you can,don't move when the camera is on k?" We walked to one of the party rooms and she started crawling through the vents. "Wow this place is tight,so this is how it feels." Chika crawled out the vents while I got out. "Hi Mikey!" "Please don't call me that" he said. Jermey was hiding behind Mike. "Jermey it's ok there friendly they don't bite." Jermey came out from behind Mike and came out. "H-hi" Jermey studdered.Mike looked at me, "Chika who is this?"."This is Minda or we call her Lapry" Chika said.Vincent got up and whispered in Mikes ear."That was the guard I killed" He said. I looked at Vincent and stuck up the butter finger at him. "Bitch T_T..". Jermey looked at me then back to Mike "Is she programmed to do that?" "No,the animontronics aren't programmed to do that they have a mind of there own" he said.Vincent growled at me and sat down.Chika left and I went follow her. Chika wanted me out more in the day do do something.We couldn't think of nothing so I walked back into Kid's Cove and laied down on the floor.

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