To an unknown place.

Far away.

Without my family.

My best freinds wer my family.

Theo was my family.

Blake came got meet us one last time.

I dont know how to express how I feel.

But for theo I'm willing to do anything for us.

I feel liek I was dying.



That mattered.

That loved.

That cared.

I would not be seeing any of them for god knows how long.

Each and everyone.

People that I was close to.

People that were always everyday in my life.

Cheering me up.

Making me happy.

Those were all going to be unforgettable memories.

Hard paths will come and we fought it together.

Being best freinds and going away leaving them alone was liek something I cant think.


I'll miss the school.


The lockers.

The teachers.

Everything of the school.

Each and every corner had memories.

To the point form the toilet to the janitors room.

Jack came to see me as well.

He hugged me.

He knew that it was hard for me.

This is something i never experienced.


But I made the choice.

I had to.

This place had both good and bad in it.


People who I love.

People who were special.

People who I was close to.


They would remain a place in my heart.

They promised to visit me in weekends and vacations.

I'm leaving my brother as well.

I cant believe I have to do this.

But this is what I wanted.

A new life.

A new beginning.

A new place.

With theo.

Only him.

I'm already suffering.

Me and theo are going from his private jet.

He looked ok but he was sad too.

He didnt want to leave as much as me.

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